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Topics - Eustachy

Pages: [1]
Installation and Upgrades / Disable DHCP in VLAN
« on: January 25, 2012, 12:34:03 pm »

Is any possibility to disable dhcp server in specific VLAN?


Installation and Upgrades / Lte and Huawei e398 support
« on: January 23, 2012, 03:44:02 pm »

Is there anybody, who try to use this technology as a alternative WAN?


SITUATION:We have an Orange network operator. All employe have Orange cellphones, registered with company e-mail adres it selfs. Like a,, When Orange is going to e-mail marketing, all employe with registered email adress are reciving the same marketing message.

PROBLEM:  Im looking for a way to discard marketing e-mails, that are going to different people in the company mail server. Like when user recive an e-mail, and the sam e-mail, but with different recipient is going for example to, message is discard.

Is there any possibilty to do this. I'm thinking to use a spam check and some script, but maybe is somebody how know how to do it.

Thanks for help

Installation and Upgrades / Can't Ping Gateway - Zentyal
« on: June 12, 2011, 09:30:08 pm »

NETWORK DESCRIPTION: I have a small network with about 10 computers + some computers to test, three network printers, some access point, and physical servers. One is Linux virtual hosting, second one is windows 2008 SBS with active directory. On zentyal I have enabled all firewall and gateway packets. Im using traffic shaping, transparent http proxy, to qos my network. IDS, protection, firewall and vpn. rest is very basic like firewall and dhcp etc. zentyal is configures to be gateway to local subnet, its NTP server to. DNS, and WINS servers are on Windows 2008 machine.

PROBLEM: My general problem is that all works great first day. I have some issues with one machine that it loosing connection to internet. When I run windows CMD, and use "ipconfig /release", then "ipconfig /renew" connection was back for a little while. I found the problem was in this, user use hamachi app. When I disable it, and virtual card form it, problem stops, and it works.
Second day another user told me, he is having problems with internet connection. I ran the above commands, and internet get back, but for 5 minutes. Then it dosent work. I try to ping zentyal, but it cant, but I can ping to windows server. I think it was to big load on zentyal, so I restart it, but then all company lost connection with gate. I try to disable firewall, trafic shaping, http proxy, but nothing helps.

Anybody has any sugestions, what can be wrong. Where to start looking problem, or someone, because Im don't know what to do.
Please any thing, will be a gold.

Sorry for my english :)


Installation and Upgrades / [Solved]DHCP and static IP
« on: June 08, 2011, 02:29:21 pm »

This is my first post, so welcome All. I was using IPCOP, and I want to give a try to Zentyal. I want to configure DHCP server to assign static IP to computers with specific MAC address. When I go to DHCP module, I create range for DHCP like - I read the documantation, and there was an information that if I want static address asign, it must be over the range. In the DHCP module a can assign the static IP, but only to Network Object. So I go to Network Objects and create like a IP and MAC in example aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa. I run DHCP server, connect my laptop with this MAC address and Zentyal assign me adress, but I want This is a fresh install of Zentyal. I try to reinstall modules, and all over the Zentyal, but always the same. Could anybody explain/help me how can I do this simple thing?

Sorry for my english :) and very thanks for help/


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