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Messages - eduardogoncalves

Pages: [1]
Same here with Zentyal 5.0.10 and "Domain Controller and File Sharing" version 5.0.10.

Can't create user as Additional Domain Controller

Installation and Upgrades / Re: How to install IPS/IDS in zentyal 5.0.7
« on: December 01, 2017, 03:29:23 pm »
Hi, I build a debian package from source code  8) and create a tutorial here on how to install it:  ;D ;D

In the tutorial, I posted the link to my pull request to zentyal team.

Hope it helps! Let me know if you need help.  ;)

Hi, I could achieve this editing by hand squid.conf file. But when I change something in interface and hit "Save changes", I was losting the changes I've made by hand. So I found how to customize configurations files.

So as suggested I created the file: /etc/zentyal/hooks/squid.postsetconf
and write this to content:

Code: [Select]

PATTERN="http_access allow to_localhost"

### Hook Script ###
acl type_exe urlpath_regex -i .exe$
http_access allow allowed~dc~allowed~dom type_exe
http_access deny all type_exe

cp $FILE $FILE.backup

awk -v INSERT="$INSERT" -F: "/$PATTERN/{print;print INSERT;next}1" $FILE.backup$

Hi, how can I block 'exe' File extension and whitelist it for some domains, so users can download 'exe' files from this whitelisted domains?

I can achieve this by adding the url to "Transparent Proxy Exemptions", but I wish to cache this download, so I can't use this option...

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