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Messages - jwilliams1976

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Hi jbahillo,
You are correct. I just wanted to add a few caveats to this.
  • The entire directory structure you want apache to have access to must have rx (read/execute) permissions for www-data or whatever user apache is running as. So if your shares are in the default /home/samba/shares/directory you must add www-data as a rx group or user for each one. I used the command "setfacl -m g:www-data:rx dir-path-name" on the underlying directories and then added the group www-data to Zetyal and gave it read only permissions to the individual shares I wanted to be web server accessible. Zentyal adds the correct permissions (or use the command setfacl -d -m g:www-data:rx) to the share so all files created there will get the proper permissions. The -d is for default.
  • Add the directories as an alias in the apache configuration file. It should be /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/sitename assuming you have already set up the site properly.
    Add the apache directive as follows:
    Alias /sharedir/ "/home/samba/shares/sharedir/"
  • You may want to add password control on that directory. I used ldap authentication with the read only Zentyal user and it works great. You can restrict access based on users or groups defined in Zentyal. There is plenty of info on this and other forums if you search.

In case someone else has problems like I did I wanted to reiterate how the quota system works on Zentyal 3.0. There is no per share quotas in Zentyal or Samba/Linux for that matter. When you set a user quota via the "User Template" the disk quota applies to all users created from that point forward. It applies to ALL files that the user owns, not just in their home directories. There is no way to remove a quota from a user once they have been created through Zentyal. You must manage user quotas through the command line. There are plenty of guides on doing that if you search around. Be advised that there is no per user warnings through Zentyal or Windows so be careful. When a user reaches their quota it will just say the disk is out of space.

I have a strange problem that I have not found a solution for. I have Zentyal 3.0 set up to share directories between a bunch of users and I am also running the web server. I have modified the Apache2 config to authenticate users against the LDAP DB and it's working great. My problem is that I need apache to have access to some of the samba share directories for my users to access from outside the building. Every share directory created through the Zentyal interface is owned by user sync and group __USERS__ with read/write permissions for both and no permissions for the everyone user. If I manually change the entire tree structure permission to 775 then apache can access them fine but I need better security than that. In addition Zentyal overwrites those permissions anyway. I have tried creating a group called www-data which is the user/group apaches runs as and given that group read access to the shares but that does not work either.

Is there any way to give apache2 read access to a Zentyal/Samba share?

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Virtual Machines How To
« on: March 10, 2013, 06:57:06 pm »
Has anyone actually gotten a virtual machine running through Zentyal?

I thinks it's just confusing documentation. What they mean to say is that the users linux system account home directory is automatically shared by Samba as an smb share. The way they describe it makes it sound like it would also be accessible by other users as well. Although they do qualify that statement saying it is only accessible by the user.

I agree the documentation is confusing here. The personal directory is NOT automatically shared as stated. It does not matter whether roaming profiles are enabled or not. To make a shared directory for your users follow these directions:

1) Under Office->Users and Groups->Groups  Add a new group with whatever name you would like.
2) The group should show up at the bottom now. Click the gear icon under Edit next to that group and add all users you want to share a directory with.
3) Under Office->File Sharing->Shares tab Click Add New.
4) Name the share and decide where to place it. The default "Directory under Zentyal" is fine. Click ADD.
5) It should now show up under Shares at the bottom. Click the gear icon under Access Control and select Group and the group you created in step 1. Then select what permissions you would like for the users. Click ADD.

You can add as many groups and shares as you would like.

It depends on how you installed. If you did a fresh install from CD or USB stick it should boot you into an X session. Can you log into the command line interface? Use the user/pass that was input during install.

Once at a command prompt you can try $sudo apt-get install zenbuntu-desktop to install the Xfce GUI. You could also try to access the web interface from another computer on the network if you know it's IP address.

Installation and Upgrades / Virtual Machines How To
« on: March 07, 2013, 09:14:44 pm »
I am having trouble installing any virtual machines on my new Zentyal 3.0. I have created a new virtual machine, NAT network adapter and hard disk through the Zentyal web interface. I then created a CD/DVD drive and pointed it to an Ubuntu 12.10 iso file and started the machine. I can click on the View Console and see the starting screen of the Ubuntu install but it looks like just a screen shot. How can I connect to this virtual machine to finish the install? The host Zentyal machine does not seem to have any of the normal KVM tools installed (libvirt, virt-manager, ect..) and I don't want to install them for fear of conflicts. Has anyone actually gotten a virtual machine to work through Zentyal?

There appears to be a bug in the file name checking. Here is the original error I got and had to take all dashes and dots out of my file name and path. The error message contradicts itself. There is already a bug report about it.

Invalid value for /home/virtmachines/ubuntu-12.10/ubuntu-12.10-amd64.iso: ISO image. The path should contain only characters, digits, dots, dashes, directory separators and underscores

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