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Messages - sixstone

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Hi half_life,

We are not using quorum disk at this moment.

Probably, the keys are not synchronised. You'd better chhose a host, leave the cluster and re-join it to the cluster and save changes :).


News and Announcements / Re: High Availability in Zentyal Server 3.4
« on: February 27, 2014, 10:50:02 pm »
The kicker is what policy is set in pacemaker when quorum is lost.  The default behavior is to stop all services managed by the cluster.  You are describing the freeze policy or "hold what you have".  Which did Zentyal opt for?  I don't know,  I haven't gotten that far yet. A two node cluster that stops when one node is lost wouldn't be much use though, would it? 
We opt for holding what you have for 2-node cluster and the stop all resources if we lose the quorum in >=3 node scenario.

Great explanation about what Quorum Disk is. Thanks :)

indeed and now (this was not shown 2 days ago if I remember well), floating IPs are shown attached to interface that is in the same - network - range  ;D

Funny enough, there is no control while adding floating IP but if you add one with IP that is not covered by existing interface, then this one is shown as "error" in the cluster status tab.

This is now potentially fixed in this pull request:

Thanks very much for your feedback!

Do not hesitate to open new issues in the new tracker if you find any other bug!

Happy testing!

News and Announcements / Re: High Availability in Zentyal Server 3.4
« on: February 27, 2014, 10:07:22 pm »
Wow!!  I have already updated the testbed machine.  I have many questions.   How did you address quorum?  Quorum disk?   Can I for instance bring mysql up HA without getting into a tug of war with Zentyal about proxy configs?  I haven't started poking around in the internals so if some of these questions are way off,  I am sorry.  Any problems setting up HAproxy as a load balancer for http etc?

Firstly, thanks very much for your kind words. The quorum is set by corosync software. You can check there how they reach the quorum. Zentyal configured differently if you have two hosts or more since a quorum with two nodes is different than with more nodes.

You can manually configure MySQL Master/Slave or Master/Master. As stated in the article, you may set up the resources pacemaker support including MySQL.

Hi guys!!

Thanks very much for testing HA module. Please, stress this out :).

As stated in the article, a resource (name scheme borrowed from the Cluster Resource Managers ;)) is a the scope of this module: Floating IP addresses and DHCP module. Those resources are meant to be run in a single instance of the multi-node cluster. You can move resources using Promote and Demote buttons.

The replication only works for configuration settings of the following modules: DHCP, DNS, Firewall, HA, IPS, Network, Objects, Services, Squid, Trafficshaping, CA and OpenVPN. In CA module, the certificates, private keys and such are replicated. Likewise /etc/zentyal directory is synchronised.

- there is no resource management.
It is as explained above. Quite limited indeed.

It nevertheless open doors for a lot of technical debate about design choices.
- DNS cluster while another approach could have been to synchronize DNS content and define more than one DNS client side (thus getting something closer to active/active in term of feature).

Using the basis of the DNS module (without any kind of DNS replication), the configuration is completely active/active if no Samba AD is present :).

- VPN cluster ? well, as VPN client, why not but as VPN server, one can already define multiple VPN servers client side so that you can connect to another server in case the first one fails.
You can have a cluster of VPN servers with the same configuration without a hassle using this module o:).

Best regards and happy testing,

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Log summary problems
« on: November 19, 2013, 04:12:05 pm »

Just as Christian said, if you want us to fix a bug, it'd better open a trac ticket.

If not, it may be invisible to me, for instance.

I've just replied the ticket.


[1] Thanks very much for reporting! And for using Zentyal ;)!

Installation and Upgrades / Re: zentyal can't connect to mysql
« on: September 19, 2013, 12:11:25 am »
Hi Robb and Christian,

Zentyal code looks for the password on /var/lib/zentyal/conf/zentyal-mysql.passwd. So if you reset the zentyal user password in MySQL; make sure this file contains the same password.

The way to test this:
Code: [Select]
$ mysql -uzentyal -p<pass> zentyal

Installation and Upgrades / Re: 3.2rc2 Zarafa User Settings
« on: September 19, 2013, 12:06:28 am »
Hi Daniel,

You can see the development of the issue here:

Thanks very much for reporting it!

This bug is fixed in 3.0 version and tested in 3.2 with latest samba4 :).

All details are available at


Migration was done in expected timeframe. We hope every service is up and running.

Let us know if you find any unexpected problem by replying this email, sending a feedback form or open up a support issue.

Best regards,

Dear Zentyal Remote user,

We are performing a database upgrade in our systems to improve the responsiveness and resilience of Zentyal Remote.

Details on downtime:

  • Starts at 17:00 UTC on Monday, Feb 18
  • Estimation of 1 hour downtime, although we expect it to be much shorter

Affected services:

  • The website ( will be offline on maintenance mode
  • All service except Dynamic DNS will be unavailable
  • No new servers will be subscribed during this period, although the current servers will remain connected
Zentyal Team

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Issues after recent package updates
« on: December 07, 2012, 03:50:25 pm »
Hi there,

The latest bind9 package with the zentyal patches are now in the zentyal 3.0 series PPA. This problem is fixed now.

We are thinking about preventing this problem from the future.


Installation and Upgrades / Re: zentyal.log gets a lot of garbage
« on: October 15, 2012, 07:15:29 pm »
Hi Rafael,

The log here is cut so we can't help you further, could you attach the full error? Besides to avoid this action to be repeated again and again, remove the files from /var/lib/zentyal/conf/remoteservices/subscription/<server_name>/ops-journal/ directory.

Let me know if I can help you further.


Hi there,

There were some synchronisation problems during the release period. Could you try to "buy" the free subscription again from your store? Once this is done, then you should be able to use your credentials while registering the server into Zentyal Remote.

Let me know if you have further problems. Sorry for any inconvenience.


Installation and Upgrades / Re: IDS does not start
« on: August 02, 2012, 04:43:25 pm »
Hello Patrick,

I'm afraid this problem comes from the current security updates.

Could you open up a support issue regarding to your case? So we can give you personalised advice and help to fix your problem.


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