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Messages - -pekr-

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News and Announcements / Re: Zentyal 3.0 available!
« on: September 22, 2012, 04:55:43 pm »

just a question - we are used to simple RoundCube webmail - does it stay, or is that replaced with Zarafa?


Well, a reasonable reply, but unsatisfactory indeed. IMO webserver is one major part of the server, and recently it allows almost zere config options. Suggestions were put into database, and even accepted. It would be enough to have one big field, to edit custom settings.

No problem for me going to console, and add my directive to the apache config, but in such a case, without such custom configs being included into the config-backup, it just makes claims like "easy ability to recover your server" not entirely correct. What is server config recovery good for, if all my domains are left in the water? You know the name of the directory, where those configs are being put, so you could easily include it into the backup.

Imo config recovery should be complete, if possible, so that the "only" thing admin needs to do, is to - upload data, and be done :-)


we recently got some server outage, and it is running again. But as I never tried to use the backup of the config from the cloud, I finally found some time to look into it.

What I was surprised is, that there is /etc directory backup, but no Apache virtual domain configs, or eventual Postfix manual configuration change, is preserved.

I can understand that some manual changes to configs are not easy to deal with, but imo - Zentyal should either improve of how virtual domains can be set-up via GUI (I alredy put some suggestions, which were accepted for possible future enhancencement), or such configs should be backed-up automatically imo.

So - is there any way, of how can I include those configs into the archive, which goes to the cloud, so that I don't need to set-up backup module on Zentyal?

Installation and Upgrades / Can't su -l anymore ...
« on: March 15, 2012, 06:24:33 pm »

not sure if I am remembering it correctly or not, but in the past, when working via a putty, I often performed "su -l", and submitted a password, which was equal to my an "administrator" user password. I set-up administrator account during the installation of the system.

But - now system reports:
su: Authentication failure

I used that aproach to start later a Midnight Commander, to comfortly browse via the system, checking on some stuff, etc. Now I can't "su -l" anymore.

Any suggestion? Well, "sudo -i" changes me to root, without asking for a password. Maybe I just remember it incorrectly?


Installation and Upgrades / How to turn off local backup?
« on: December 20, 2011, 12:11:27 pm »

I was playing with backup, as I never used it. Now I wanted to turn it off, but I can't. I found some forum 2009 year question towards the same topic. We are now nearly in 2012, and I can't still turn-off local backup? ;-)

Please add one field to the backup method -  No backup. Should I remove the module, just to get backup turned off?

Also - on the main screen, there's many buttons, mainly for restarting services. What about one additional field, allowing us to stop, restart, start services? That way, I could turn backup module off, without uninstalling ...

Well, I looked into redis db using your suggestion, and copied out all related stuff:

All virtual mail domains defined:

key: /ebox/modules/mail/VDomains/keys/vdomain.idx
type: hash
value: '{"vdom629":1}' '{"vdom9116":1}' '{"vdom6111":1}' '{"vdom3452":1}'

In virtual domain alias list, two aliases are defined -, and, but only the is visible ...

key: /ebox/modules/mail/VDomains/keys/vdom629/aliases/keys/alias.idx
type: hash
value: '{"vdom9478":1}' '{"vdom2559":1}'

key: /ebox/modules/mail/VDomains/keys/vdom629/aliases/keys/vdom9478/alias
type: string

key: /ebox/modules/mail/VDomains/keys/vdom629/aliases/keys/vdom2559/alias
type: string

I have 4 aliases defined. This domain ( was entered first, and all its virtual aliases

are visible. With every other domain and its alias, I am receiving the "Missing element: row" error

message when I try to add virtual domain alias. Hovewer - it works, just is not visible in the list ...

key: /ebox/modules/mail/VDomains/keys/vdom3452/aliases/keys/alias.idx
type: hash
value: '{"vdom5556":1}' '{"vdom8076":1}' '{"vdom3390":1}' '{"vdom724":1}'

key: /ebox/modules/mail/VDomains/keys/vdom3452/aliases/keys/vdom5556/alias
type: string

key: /ebox/modules/mail/VDomains/keys/vdom3452/aliases/keys/vdom8076/alias
type: string

key: /ebox/modules/mail/VDomains/keys/vdom3452/aliases/keys/vdom3390/alias
type: string

key: /ebox/modules/mail/VDomains/keys/vdom3452/aliases/keys/vdom724/alias
type: string

I could notice, that those keys-values above are not the only records, related to virtual domains and their aliases, but as you can see above, all pointers to vdoms seems to be OK, nothing misguided here. I really wonder what the problem is, and I start to think that I will have to live with that problem. I am not even sure that the server reinstallation and importing of config would work, becaue I tried to uninstall the email service and did everything from scratch, to no avail, and I don't want to redefine everything from scratch manually including full server reinstall.

Hopefully my config is not much twisted, so we can survive future updates/upgrades ...

I already purged and reinstalled, and re-edited user settings, with the same effect. Dunno what's funny about that, except the fact, that it was hardly me, who messed with the system, but rather being a programmer's fault :-)

Where's the virtual domain and its aliases stored? Some postgress table? How do I access that info, to chek out? :-) In other words - how do I become more familiar with system internals, development under Zentyal, etc.? :-)

So - the problem persist - should I add a bug ticket, and close the thread? I would like to know, if this issue is going to be fixed. Reinstalling the service did not resolve the situation ...

Damned - I am an incompetent pirate :-)

I expected some things are going to be removed, so I made a screenshots. However, after apt-get install zentyal-mail, there is no Webmail section in the portal! If removing the package takes-down the webmaill, reinstalling the package should put it back ;-)

Well, I did it visually in portal (not knowing the package name), added back webmail, and the messages seems to be still there.

Hovewer - the most important thing - the problem remains. I can add virtual mail aliases, and see them visible, only for first virtual domain. Starting to add aliases for another domains, I once again am receiving an error :-(


today I logged into my server using ssh, just to look around, and I found out, that ps list is kind of long, so I used following comand:

ps aux | grep -c pop3-login

... and I was kind of surprised, that I can see 129 entries in the process list for the Dovecot. There's imo no chance, that 129 users are checking for email at one time. Or does that mean, that some app does not close a connection to POP3 account?


Installation and Upgrades / Re: Web server problem
« on: November 29, 2011, 04:09:33 pm »
The problem was caused by incorrect filesystem permissions to particular /home/user dir. I changed it to 755, which is needed by apache, hopefully I am not creating any security issue here ....

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Web server problem
« on: November 29, 2011, 06:58:25 am »
I am definitely not an Apache guru, but - why should I? In all past set-ups, no such thing was ever needed for a virtual host. I don't want to use .htaccess to allow user to override anything, so server should not be looking for one. This is a bug imo.

Can you provide me please with very simple config, when I can map virtual host to an FTP user home directory, e.g. /home/my-web?


with my first installation of Zentyal, although that virtual domain alias was added, email was not received for an aliased server. However - this problem is not present on my new installation. Instead of that, I am getting "Missing element: row". And - the refresh of the page does not help. But - if I delete visible alias, sometimes invisible one pops-up. So basically I have only one (first) virtual domain alias visible, though I get an error even for that IIRC.

What Is also strange is - when I add an alias, I can see the Red indicator in upper right section, telling me to save the changes. When I do so, and enther Mail/Virtual domains section in left menu, the indicator is Red once again, although I have just saved my previous changes. That's imo bug too, or I have somehow broken installation. But - I did not install any special stuff, so not sure why it is broken. Hopefully you will publish some fix for that :-)

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Web server problem
« on: November 28, 2011, 12:00:08 am »
Hmm, so I created my domian config file, where I put one line:

DocumentRoot /home/www-mydomain

It seems to point to that directory, but although I put single index.html in there, it is not displayed, and I get error 403. In the corresponding domain error log I can see something like:

[Sun Nov 27 23:50:05 2011] [crit] [client] (13)Permission denied: /home/www-my-domain/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable

Is it this critical error because of what my website is not visible? Or is it because some incorrect access rights to my index.html, or incorrect form of my config?

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