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Topics - hartenj

Pages: [1]
Last week the ClamAV was updated on Zentyal 5.1.

Since then the hourly Cron job 90zentyal-manage-logs aborts with the message:
Can't locate object method "throw" via package "Can't locate object method "tableInfo" via package "EBox::AntiVirus" at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ line 321. " (perhaps you forgot to load "Can't locate object method "tableInfo" via package "EBox::AntiVirus" at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ line 321."?) at /usr/share/zentyal/manage-logs line 31. run-parts: /etc/cron.hourly/90zentyal-manage-logs exited with return code 25
... and the anti-virus update log disaapeared from the list.
Please advise how to recover.

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