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Messages - Erudes

Pages: [1]
Other modules / NAT Routing
« on: March 19, 2017, 10:00:16 pm »
Good afternoon

I want to run a lab with VMware Workstation Pro which allows me to have my Zentyal server with two network cards, one that is connected to my router (external access) and an internal network card for the clients of the domain, which would be configured automatically By Zentyal DHCP.

What I want to achieve is that the Zentyal server can make NAT with the clients of my LAN giving them access to the internet (through the external interface). The equivalent in Windows Server to this service is Routing and Remote Access. So, how can I achieve this configuration with Zentyal? What kind of adapters should the virtual machines use, both Windows clients and the Zentyal server? (Bridge, NAT, Host). I would like you to help me and guide you with this topic since I have spent a couple of days trying to do it without success. I have only managed to configure the Zentyal as an internal server on the network without providing gateway services.


Spanish / NAT/Routing
« on: March 19, 2017, 05:54:34 pm »
Buenas tardes estimados

Quiero realizar un laboratorio con VMware Workstation Pro el cual me permita tener mi servidor Zentyal con dos tarjetas de red, una que esté conectada a mi router (acceso externo) y una tarjeta de red interna para los clientes del dominio, los cuales serian configurados automaticamente por el DHCP de Zentyal.

Lo que quiero lograr es que el servidor Zentyal logre hacer NAT con los clientes de mi LAN brindandoles el acceso a internet. El equivalente en Windows Server a este servicio es Routing y Acceso Remoto. Entonces, como puedo lograr esta configuracion con Zentyal? Que tipo de adaptadores deberian usar las maquinas virtuales, tanto los clientes Windows como el servidor Zentyal? (Bridge, NAT, Host). Me gustaria mucho que me ayudaran y guiaran con este tema ya que he pasado un par de dias intentando hacerlo sin exito. Solo he logrado configurar el Zentyal como un servidor interno de la red sin prestar servicios de gateway.


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