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Messages - kaipee

Pages: [1]
Directory and Authentication / Re: How do I disable the mapping of H Drive?
« on: December 04, 2018, 10:14:03 pm »
So I have added 6.0 to the APT sources and upgraded from 5.1 to 6.0.
Still the same issue.

* Web GUI > Domain > enable roaming profiles > reboot Zentyal - shows H drive configured in RSAT
* Web GUI > Domain > disable roaming profiles > reboot Zentyal - shows H drive configured in RSAT
* Web GUI > Domain > disable roaming profiles, set to Z > reboot Zentyal - shows Z drive configured in RSAT
* Web GUI > Domain > disable roaming profiles, set to Y > reboot Zentyal - shows Y drive configured in RSAT
* create new user in RSAT > within 10 secs shows Y drive configured in RSAT (roaming profiles still disabled in Web GUI)

I'm starting to think the option "Enable roaming profiles" is broken and won't actually disable the Home folder when unchecked.
Are there means to submit Bug Reports?

Directory and Authentication / Re: How do I disable the mapping of H Drive?
« on: December 04, 2018, 12:21:03 am »
That's what I'm using Zentyal 5.1 Development Edition. How did you upgrade to 6.0.1 ?

My configuration is as follows:
* no shared folders or recycle bins (GUI > File Sharing > Shared Folders)
* Default User Quota disabled from user templates (GUI > Users & Computers > User template)
* Quota disabled for user (GUI > Users & Computers > Manage > User (kaipee) > User quota )

I am assuming that since I have authenticated using the same account on both Linux and Windows machines, this is forced somehow to allow for a home directory for Linux user accounts?  :-\ ???

Directory and Authentication / Re: How do I disable the mapping of H Drive?
« on: December 03, 2018, 10:55:43 pm »
Hi, try this:

  • Open Zentyal GUI
  • Go to User template
  • Disable the default user quota
  • Save and apply changes

Hi GuidoC, I just tried this and still the H drive gets mapped.
I manually disconnected the drive > RSAT into AD User & Groups > manually remove the mapping from user Profile. After about 30 seconds it re-applied the mapping (H: \\{zentyal_fqdn}\{user} .

Edit: just to confirm, the quota was already (still is) disabled under the LDAP user settings in Zentyal GUI also.

Directory and Authentication / How do I disable the mapping of H Drive?
« on: December 01, 2018, 04:10:58 pm »
How do I disable the mapping of H Drive?
The option in the Web GUI seems to do absolutely nothing

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