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Spanish / al desinstalar modulo proxy, me desisntala modulo gateway
« on: January 06, 2012, 12:35:51 pm »
He tratado de desinstalar el modulo proxy y me pedia desinstalar el modulo Gateway.
Tras desinstalar ambos, veo en apt que tiene marcados para desinstalar un monton de paquetes como openvpn.
He vuelto a instalar el modulo de proxy, pero no ha instalado automaticamente el modulo zentyal-gateway. Lo he instalado a mano.
No entiende porque me intenta desisntalar todo eso si solo quiero quitar el proxy squid?
Puede ser un error en las dependencias de los paquetes?
Tras desinstalar ambos, veo en apt que tiene marcados para desinstalar un monton de paquetes como openvpn.
He vuelto a instalar el modulo de proxy, pero no ha instalado automaticamente el modulo zentyal-gateway. Lo he instalado a mano.
No entiende porque me intenta desisntalar todo eso si solo quiero quitar el proxy squid?
Puede ser un error en las dependencias de los paquetes?
Installation and Upgrades / [SOLVED] Root FS problem, no web interface in 2.0
« on: December 22, 2011, 10:00:53 am »
This morning, my server was complaining about root FS not writable. I have done a FSCK -f from an alternate boot disk with these results:
After this, my server booted again but i cant access admin web interface. Everithing else seems to be working.
In command line, i have tested the status of all installed modules and all o them shows as "running".
The end of /var/log/ebox/error.log
Web interface does not work even from server console.
Any help is apreciated
Code: [Select]
root@gila:/root/backup# fsck -f /dev/mapper/gilab-root
fsck desde util-linux-ng 2.17.2
e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
Paso 1: Verificando nodos-i, bloques y tamaños
Error al leer el bloque 2621520 (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read) mientras obteniendo el siguiente nodo-i para examinar. Se descarta el error<s>? si
Se fuerza la reescritura<s>? si
Paso 2: Verificando la estructura de directorios
La entrada 'tr' que está en /usr/share/webmin/htaccess-htpasswd/lang (657714) tiene un nodo-i 656134 borrado/no utilizado. Borrar<s>? si
La entrada 'dhcp.sql' que está en /usr/share/ebox/sqllog (663064) tiene un nodo-i 656131 borrado/no utilizado. Borrar<s>? si
La entrada '07_icon_training.png' que está en /usr/share/ebox/www/software/images (663400) tiene un nodo-i 656130 borrado/no utilizado. Borrar<s>? si
La entrada 'icon_comm.png' que está en /usr/share/ebox/www/software/images (663400) tiene un nodo-i 656132 borrado/no utilizado. Borrar<s>? si
La entrada 'icon_office_tick.png' que está en /usr/share/ebox/www/software/images (663400) tiene un nodo-i 656142 borrado/no utilizado. Borrar<s>? si
La entrada '' que está en /usr/share/perl/5.10.1/ExtUtils/CBuilder (672320) tiene un nodo-i 656137 borrado/no utilizado. Borrar<s>? si
La entrada 'errors.4.gz' que está en /var/log/roundcube (685914) tiene un nodo-i 656135 borrado/no utilizado. Borrar<s>? si
La entrada 'green.gif' que está en /usr/share/ebox/www/images (663306) tiene un nodo-i 656133 borrado/no utilizado. Borrar<s>? si
La entrada 'spooler.log.39.gz' que está en /var/log/zarafa (686003) tiene un nodo-i 656139 borrado/no utilizado. Borrar<s>? si
La entrada 'REG-_home_musica_Moriarty_The Missing Room' que está en /var/www/jinzora/data/backend (681853) tiene un nodo-i 656138 borrado/no utilizado. Borrar<s>? si
La entrada 'cfddbe20aed51d6d194e8bdbc3554129.100x100.jpg' que está en /var/www/jinzora/data/images (684137) tiene un nodo-i 656136 borrado/no utilizado. Borrar<s>? si
La entrada 'spooler.log.32.gz' que está en /var/log/zarafa (686003) tiene un nodo-i 656144 borrado/no utilizado. Borrar<s>? si
La entrada 'licensed.log.17.gz' que está en /var/log/zarafa (686003) tiene un nodo-i 656140 borrado/no utilizado. Borrar<s>? si
La entrada 'indexer.log.34.gz' que está en /var/log/zarafa (686003) tiene un nodo-i 656129 borrado/no utilizado. Borrar<s>? si
La entrada 'gateway.log.39.gz' que está en /var/log/zarafa (686003) tiene un nodo-i 656141 borrado/no utilizado. Borrar<s>? si
La entrada 'indexer.log.39.gz' que está en /var/log/zarafa (686003) tiene un nodo-i 656143 borrado/no utilizado. Borrar<s>? si
Paso 3: Revisando la conectividad de directorios
Paso 4: Revisando las cuentas de referencia
Paso 5: Revisando el resumen de información de grupos
Diferencias del mapa de bits del bloque: -2235115 -(2688408--2688418) -2688589 -(2688632--2688637) -2688678 -2688699 -2688715 -2688879 -2689588 -2689949 -(2689998--2689999) -(2690208--2690210) -(2690840--2690847) -2691095 -(2691878--2691879)
Arreglar<s>? si
La cuenta de bloques libres es incorrecta para el grupo #68 (28045, contados=28046).
Arreglar<s>? si
La cuenta de bloques libres es incorrecta para el grupo #82 (13646, contados=13686).
Arreglar<s>? si
La cuenta de bloques libres es incorrecta (4057854, contados=4057895).
Arreglar<s>? si
Diferencias del mapa de bits del nodo-i: -(656129--656144)
Arreglar<s>? si
La cuenta de nodos-i libres es incorrecta para el grupo #80 (496, contados=512).
Arreglar<s>? si
La cuenta de nodos-i libres es incorrecta (1161568, contados=1161584).
Arreglar<s>? si
/dev/mapper/gilab-root: ***** EL SISTEMA DE FICHEROS FUE MODIFICADO *****
/dev/mapper/gilab-root: 149136/1310720 ficheros (0.3% no contiguos), 1184985/5242880 bloques
root@gila:/root/backup# fsck -f /dev/mapper/gilab-root
fsck desde util-linux-ng 2.17.2
e2fsck 1.41.12 (17-May-2010)
Paso 1: Verificando nodos-i, bloques y tamaños
Paso 2: Verificando la estructura de directorios
Paso 3: Revisando la conectividad de directorios
Paso 4: Revisando las cuentas de referencia
Paso 5: Revisando el resumen de información de grupos
/dev/mapper/gilab-root: 149136/1310720 ficheros (0.3% no contiguos), 1184985/5242880 bloques
After this, my server booted again but i cant access admin web interface. Everithing else seems to be working.
In command line, i have tested the status of all installed modules and all o them shows as "running".
The end of /var/log/ebox/error.log
Code: [Select]
Use of uninitialized value in numeric comparison (<=>) at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/CGI/Dashboard/ line 86, <GEN134> line 15.
Use of uninitialized value in numeric comparison (<=>) at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/CGI/Dashboard/ line 86, <GEN134> line 15.
Use of uninitialized value in numeric comparison (<=>) at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/CGI/Dashboard/ line 86, <GEN134> line 15.
Use of uninitialized value in numeric comparison (<=>) at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/CGI/Dashboard/ line 86, <GEN134> line 15.
Use of uninitialized value in numeric comparison (<=>) at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/CGI/Dashboard/ line 86, <GEN134> line 15.
Use of uninitialized value in numeric comparison (<=>) at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/CGI/Dashboard/ line 86, <GEN134> line 15.
Use of uninitialized value $currentSeparator in string ne at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 51.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value $dir_path in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 114.
Use of uninitialized value $dir_path in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 114.
Use of uninitialized value $dir_path in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 114.
Use of uninitialized value $dir_path in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 114.
Use of uninitialized value $dir_path in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 114.
Use of uninitialized value $dir_path in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 114.
Use of uninitialized value $dir_path in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 114.
Use of uninitialized value $dir_path in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 114.
Use of uninitialized value $dir_path in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 114.
Use of uninitialized value $dir_path in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/ line 114.
Reconnecting to redis server (1 try)... at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Config/ line 567, <GEN136> line 1.
Reconnecting to redis server (1 try)... at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Config/ line 567, <GEN138> line 1.
Use of uninitialized value $currentSeparator in string ne at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 51.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Component/ line 34.
Reconnecting to redis server (1 try)... at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Config/ line 567, <GEN144> line 1.
Use of uninitialized value $currentSeparator in string ne at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 51.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Menu/ line 44.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/share/perl5/HTML/Mason/Component/ line 34.
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/share/ebox/templates/mail/account.mas line 10.
Use of uninitialized value in string ne at /usr/share/ebox/templates/mail/alias.mas line 150.
Web interface does not work even from server console.
Any help is apreciated
Spanish / Problemas con maquinas virtuales
« on: November 05, 2011, 01:02:42 pm »
No consigo que me funcionen bien las maquinas virtuales.
Si creo una maquina con un disco y un CD conectado a una ISO del CD de winXP, arranca el CD y comienza la instalación, pero cuando reinicia la VM , me dice que el disco no es botable.
Con la misma imagen de CD he creado una VM en otro host con virt-manager y se instala bien.
He probado a copiar la imagen del disco que he creado con virt-manager y crear una nueva VM en zentyal usando ese disco y me tira un error en los log:
Si creo una maquina con un disco y un CD conectado a una ISO del CD de winXP, arranca el CD y comienza la instalación, pero cuando reinicia la VM , me dice que el disco no es botable.
Con la misma imagen de CD he creado una VM en otro host con virt-manager y se instala bien.
He probado a copiar la imagen del disco que he creado con virt-manager y crear una nueva VM en zentyal usando ese disco y me tira un error en los log:
Code: [Select]
2011/11/05 12:54:03 ERROR> EBox::Sudo::_rootError - root command /var/lib/zentyal/machines/xpclient/ start failed.
Error output: error: Failed to create domain from /var/lib/zentyal/machines/xpclient/domain.xml
error: monitor socket did not show up.: Connection refused
Command output:
Exit value: 1
Alguien le suena?19
Installation and Upgrades / [SOLVED] Zentyal 2.2 error creating hard disk for VM
« on: November 01, 2011, 08:06:24 am »
I am testing 2.2 to migrate my server.
In test machine, i have created a VM but when i add the virtual disk, when i save changes i get tis error:
"element no existente: mac"
In /var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log i get:
2011/11/01 08:16:16 DEBUG> EBox::Model::Row::elementByName - element no existente: mac.
Iny idea?
In test machine, i have created a VM but when i add the virtual disk, when i save changes i get tis error:
"element no existente: mac"
In /var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log i get:
2011/11/01 08:16:16 DEBUG> EBox::Model::Row::elementByName - element no existente: mac.
Iny idea?
Installation and Upgrades / [SOLVED] install from pendrive
« on: October 20, 2011, 08:55:07 pm »
I want to reinstall Zentyal in a microserver without DVD reader.
I have created bootable USB with Yumi (a multiboot creator), but after selecting language and keyboard, the installer report it cannot access the install CD.
Is there any way to install Zentyal from USB pendrive?
I want to reinstall Zentyal in a microserver without DVD reader.
I have created bootable USB with Yumi (a multiboot creator), but after selecting language and keyboard, the installer report it cannot access the install CD.
Is there any way to install Zentyal from USB pendrive?
Installation and Upgrades / [SOLVED] Grub fail to boot after last system update
« on: July 23, 2011, 10:21:05 pm »
Today i have updated system from dahsboard. The updates include a new kernel (2.6.32-33) so i need to reboot.
On reboot, grub fail with:
Error: symbol not found: 'grub_putchar'
grub rescue>
Fortunately, i have an alternate boot disk with an Ubuntu 10.04 for recovery puposes on an USB drive.
Booting fron that disk and updating the USB disk GRUB, i can boot the main disk from USB drive GRUB.
With system up, i can do update-grub with no error, but rebooting with main disk grub, i still get same error.
I have not found a clear solution on the net, so any advice is welcome.
PD: here is my /boot/grub/grub.cfg:
The updated packages;
On reboot, grub fail with:
Error: symbol not found: 'grub_putchar'
grub rescue>
Fortunately, i have an alternate boot disk with an Ubuntu 10.04 for recovery puposes on an USB drive.
Booting fron that disk and updating the USB disk GRUB, i can boot the main disk from USB drive GRUB.
With system up, i can do update-grub with no error, but rebooting with main disk grub, i still get same error.
I have not found a clear solution on the net, so any advice is welcome.
PD: here is my /boot/grub/grub.cfg:
Code: [Select]
# It is automatically generated by /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig using templates
# from /etc/grub.d and settings from /etc/default/grub
### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/00_header ###
if [ -s $prefix/grubenv ]; then
set default="0"
if [ ${prev_saved_entry} ]; then
set saved_entry=${prev_saved_entry}
save_env saved_entry
set prev_saved_entry=
save_env prev_saved_entry
set boot_once=true
function savedefault {
if [ -z ${boot_once} ]; then
save_env saved_entry
function recordfail {
set recordfail=1
if [ -n ${have_grubenv} ]; then if [ -z ${boot_once} ]; then save_env recordfail; fi; fi
if terminal_input console ; then true ; else
# For backward compatibility with versions of terminal.mod that don't
# understand terminal_input
terminal console
if terminal_output console ; then true ; else
# For backward compatibility with versions of terminal.mod that don't
# understand terminal_output
terminal console
if [ ${recordfail} = 1 ]; then
set timeout=-1
set timeout=10
insmod play
play 480 440 1
### END /etc/grub.d/00_header ###
### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme ###
set menu_color_normal=white/black
set menu_color_highlight=black/light-gray
### END /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme ###
### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###
menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-33-generic-pae' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set cc630f2c-2f5c-4008-81d5-25517f8ecf8b
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.32-33-generic-pae root=/dev/mapper/gilab-root ro
initrd /initrd.img-2.6.32-33-generic-pae
menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-33-generic-pae (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set cc630f2c-2f5c-4008-81d5-25517f8ecf8b
echo 'Loading Linux 2.6.32-33-generic-pae ...'
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.32-33-generic-pae root=/dev/mapper/gilab-root ro single
echo 'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
initrd /initrd.img-2.6.32-33-generic-pae
menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-32-generic-pae' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set cc630f2c-2f5c-4008-81d5-25517f8ecf8b
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.32-32-generic-pae root=/dev/mapper/gilab-root ro
initrd /initrd.img-2.6.32-32-generic-pae
menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-32-generic-pae (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set cc630f2c-2f5c-4008-81d5-25517f8ecf8b
echo 'Loading Linux 2.6.32-32-generic-pae ...'
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.32-32-generic-pae root=/dev/mapper/gilab-root ro single
echo 'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
initrd /initrd.img-2.6.32-32-generic-pae
menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-31-generic-pae' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set cc630f2c-2f5c-4008-81d5-25517f8ecf8b
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.32-31-generic-pae root=/dev/mapper/gilab-root ro
initrd /initrd.img-2.6.32-31-generic-pae
menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-31-generic-pae (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set cc630f2c-2f5c-4008-81d5-25517f8ecf8b
echo 'Loading Linux 2.6.32-31-generic-pae ...'
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.32-31-generic-pae root=/dev/mapper/gilab-root ro single
echo 'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
initrd /initrd.img-2.6.32-31-generic-pae
menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-30-generic-pae' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set cc630f2c-2f5c-4008-81d5-25517f8ecf8b
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.32-30-generic-pae root=/dev/mapper/gilab-root ro
initrd /initrd.img-2.6.32-30-generic-pae
menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-30-generic-pae (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set cc630f2c-2f5c-4008-81d5-25517f8ecf8b
echo 'Loading Linux 2.6.32-30-generic-pae ...'
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.32-30-generic-pae root=/dev/mapper/gilab-root ro single
echo 'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
initrd /initrd.img-2.6.32-30-generic-pae
menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-29-generic-pae' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set cc630f2c-2f5c-4008-81d5-25517f8ecf8b
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.32-29-generic-pae root=/dev/mapper/gilab-root ro
initrd /initrd.img-2.6.32-29-generic-pae
menuentry 'Ubuntu, with Linux 2.6.32-29-generic-pae (recovery mode)' --class ubuntu --class gnu-linux --class gnu --class os {
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set cc630f2c-2f5c-4008-81d5-25517f8ecf8b
echo 'Loading Linux 2.6.32-29-generic-pae ...'
linux /vmlinuz-2.6.32-29-generic-pae root=/dev/mapper/gilab-root ro single
echo 'Loading initial ramdisk ...'
initrd /initrd.img-2.6.32-29-generic-pae
### END /etc/grub.d/10_linux ###
### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+ ###
menuentry "Memory test (memtest86+)" {
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set cc630f2c-2f5c-4008-81d5-25517f8ecf8b
linux16 /memtest86+.bin
menuentry "Memory test (memtest86+, serial console 115200)" {
insmod ext2
set root='(hd0,1)'
search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set cc630f2c-2f5c-4008-81d5-25517f8ecf8b
linux16 /memtest86+.bin console=ttyS0,115200n8
### END /etc/grub.d/20_memtest86+ ###
### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###
if [ ${timeout} != -1 ]; then
if keystatus; then
if keystatus --shift; then
set timeout=-1
set timeout=0
if sleep --interruptible 3 ; then
set timeout=0
### END /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ###
### BEGIN /etc/grub.d/40_custom ###
# This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries. Simply type the
# menu entries you want to add after this comment. Be careful not to change
# the 'exec tail' line above.
### END /etc/grub.d/40_custom ###
The updated packages;
Code: [Select]
linux-headers-2.6.32-33-generic-pae (2.6.32-33.70),
linux-headers-2.6.32-33 (2.6.32-33.70),
linux-image-2.6.32-33-generic-pae (2.6.32-33.70)
bind9 (9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.2, 9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.3),
base-files (5.0.0ubuntu20.10.04.3, 5.0.0ubuntu20.10.04.4),
bind9-host (9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.2, 9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.3),
dnsutils (9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.2, 9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.3),
bind9utils (9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.2, 9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.3),
apt-transport-https (,,
linux-image-generic-pae (,,
logrotate (3.7.8-4ubuntu2.1, 3.7.8-4ubuntu2.2),
libdns64 (9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.2, 9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.3),
python-apt (,,
linux-libc-dev (2.6.32-32.62, 2.6.32-33.70),
libparted0debian1 (2.2-5ubuntu5.1, 2.2-5ubuntu5.2),
parted (2.2-5ubuntu5.1, 2.2-5ubuntu5.2),
libisccc60 (9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.2, 9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.3),
apt-utils (,,
openssh-client (5.3p1-3ubuntu6, 5.3p1-3ubuntu7),
apt (,,
firefox (3.6.18+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1, 3.6.18+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.2),
liblwres60 (9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.2, 9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.3),
libbind9-60 (9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.2, 9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.3),
ssh (5.3p1-3ubuntu6, 5.3p1-3ubuntu7),
libisccfg60 (9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.2, 9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.3),
linux-generic-pae (,,
firefox-branding (3.6.18+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1, 3.6.18+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.2),
libisc60 (9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.2, 9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.3),
linux-headers-generic-pae (,,
openssh-server (5.3p1-3ubuntu6, 5.3p1-3ubuntu7)
End-Date: 2011-07-23 20:12:57
Installation and Upgrades / Problem receiving external POP3 mail in clients
« on: March 31, 2011, 08:33:30 am »
I have a Zentyal server acting as the gateway for my network. I does not use the proxy module and i have the mail server with zarafa configured and running.
I have some users that need to get POP3 mail from a different domain in an external server.
In mail server module configuration i have disabled pop3 and imap services (i use zarafa webmail).
In firewall, in internal networks, i have a rule to allow pop3 trafic (port 110).
When the internal clients try to get POP3 fron external servers, they get some times time out, some times the mail is received as an attachement in a message from zentyal server, detected as spam.
So i think there is a "transparent pop3 proxy", filtering all pop3 trafic even if it is not destinated to mail server.
¿Is there any way to allow pop3 trafic to flow througt the server without the " transparent proxy"?
I have some users that need to get POP3 mail from a different domain in an external server.
In mail server module configuration i have disabled pop3 and imap services (i use zarafa webmail).
In firewall, in internal networks, i have a rule to allow pop3 trafic (port 110).
When the internal clients try to get POP3 fron external servers, they get some times time out, some times the mail is received as an attachement in a message from zentyal server, detected as spam.
So i think there is a "transparent pop3 proxy", filtering all pop3 trafic even if it is not destinated to mail server.
¿Is there any way to allow pop3 trafic to flow througt the server without the " transparent proxy"?
Installation and Upgrades / Server will not boot if you create a LVM Sanpshot
« on: March 12, 2011, 01:57:30 pm »
I have found there is a bug in GRUB2 that causes a server fail to boot if you create a lvm snapshot.
I have confirmed this is true for Zentyal2 and ubuntu 10.04, and i think it is solved in ubuntu 10.10, but not sure at all.
I have found this by creating a root snapshot. Removing the sanapshot lv from a live CD makes the server boot again.
You can still use snapshot by creating them while tour server is up, but don't forget to delete them before reboot.
Waiting for a grub2 upgrade...
I have confirmed this is true for Zentyal2 and ubuntu 10.04, and i think it is solved in ubuntu 10.10, but not sure at all.
I have found this by creating a root snapshot. Removing the sanapshot lv from a live CD makes the server boot again.
You can still use snapshot by creating them while tour server is up, but don't forget to delete them before reboot.
Waiting for a grub2 upgrade...
Installation and Upgrades / Uninstall old kernels
« on: March 09, 2011, 01:24:56 pm »
I am trying to remove old kernels from my server:
Is it safe to remove db4.7-util and dovecot-antispam?
Code: [Select]
root@gila:~# aptitude remove linux-image-2.6.32-25-generic-pae
Leyendo lista de paquetes... Hecho
Creando árbol de dependencias
Leyendo la información de estado... Hecho
Reading extended state information
Initializing package states... Hecho
The following packages will be REMOVED:
db4.7-util{u} dovecot-antispam{u} linux-image-2.6.32-25-generic-pae
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 3 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 99,9MB will be freed.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?]
Is it safe to remove db4.7-util and dovecot-antispam?
Installation and Upgrades / Internal POP3 strange Behavior with firewall
« on: February 13, 2011, 11:22:50 am »
I have a small network conected to internet with a zentyal gateway.
I have mail server services running for my domain, but some users access pop3 mail from external servers.
From 2 weeks ago, pop3 external access does not work.
If i do a "telnet 110" i get no response.
If i do the same from the zentyal server command line i get:
I have found that refreshing the firewall configuration, without changing anything, restore the externel pop3 access for some time.
In firewall, rules for internal networks i only have 2 rules:
- all all any
- all all pop3
If i simply change the order of these rules and save firewall, i can access pop3 for some time, but after some hours, the pop3 access is lost again.
Any idea how check this?
I have mail server services running for my domain, but some users access pop3 mail from external servers.
From 2 weeks ago, pop3 external access does not work.
If i do a "telnet 110" i get no response.
If i do the same from the zentyal server command line i get:
Code: [Select]
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK POP3 PROXY server ready
I have found that refreshing the firewall configuration, without changing anything, restore the externel pop3 access for some time.
In firewall, rules for internal networks i only have 2 rules:
- all all any
- all all pop3
If i simply change the order of these rules and save firewall, i can access pop3 for some time, but after some hours, the pop3 access is lost again.
Code: [Select]
+OK POP3 PROXY server ready
Any idea how check this?
Installation and Upgrades / APT shows as update an older kernel that the current one
« on: December 11, 2010, 08:46:20 pm »
If i do "apt-get upgrade", it shows these updates as available:
Here is my installed kernel:
uname -a
Linux gila 2.6.32-26-generic-pae #47-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 17 16:14:46 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
These updates are not shown in zential interface. Only in apt-get upgrade.
How can i force apt to ignore these updates?
If i do "apt-get upgrade", it shows these updates as available:
Here is my installed kernel:
uname -a
Linux gila 2.6.32-26-generic-pae #47-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 17 16:14:46 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
These updates are not shown in zential interface. Only in apt-get upgrade.
How can i force apt to ignore these updates?
Spanish / Ampliar funcionalidad en Asterix
« on: November 21, 2010, 10:58:05 pm »
Estoy intentando darle un poco más de funcionalidad a asterisk en mi servidor Zentyal.
Lo primero, seria incorporar un trunk POST (linea telefonica analogica).
Para ello, he incorporado una tarjeta TDM400 con 1 FXO (linea) y 3 FXS (terminales).
Tras compilar e instalar DAHDI desde las fuentes y configurar mi TDM400, estoy intentando lidiar con la configuración de dialplan.
Propongo que todos aquellos que intentan hacer lo msimo, apunten sus progresos en este hilo para ver si llegamos a algo.
-Como primer paso, he detectado un error en los archivos de configuracion de asterisk que producen mensajes de error a cargar asterisk, aunque no son fatales.
Se trata del archivo /etc/asterisk/res_ldap.conf en el que los comentarios están puestos con # en lugar de ;
Se puede corregir en /usr/share/ebox/stubs/asterisk/res_ldap.conf.mas
-Para personalizar el dialplan (/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf) he añadido a la plantilla (/usr/share/ebox/stubs/asterisk/extensions.conf.mas) una linea:
De ahi en adelante, nada de lo que he hecho me ha funcionado porque no conozco bien la mecanica del dialplan ni la estructura de contextos y macros que crea zentyal.
Una pequeña aclaración por parte del equipo de zentyal sobre su dialplan estarya muy bien.
¿alguien ha hecho algo que funcione?
Si alguien tiene pronlemas para configurar el hardware analogico POST, puedo intentar ayudar.
Lo primero, seria incorporar un trunk POST (linea telefonica analogica).
Para ello, he incorporado una tarjeta TDM400 con 1 FXO (linea) y 3 FXS (terminales).
Tras compilar e instalar DAHDI desde las fuentes y configurar mi TDM400, estoy intentando lidiar con la configuración de dialplan.
Propongo que todos aquellos que intentan hacer lo msimo, apunten sus progresos en este hilo para ver si llegamos a algo.
-Como primer paso, he detectado un error en los archivos de configuracion de asterisk que producen mensajes de error a cargar asterisk, aunque no son fatales.
Se trata del archivo /etc/asterisk/res_ldap.conf en el que los comentarios están puestos con # en lugar de ;
Se puede corregir en /usr/share/ebox/stubs/asterisk/res_ldap.conf.mas
-Para personalizar el dialplan (/etc/asterisk/extensions.conf) he añadido a la plantilla (/usr/share/ebox/stubs/asterisk/extensions.conf.mas) una linea:
Code: [Select]
De esta forma puedo añadir configuraciones personalizadas en custom_extensions.conf que no será sobreescrito por zentyal.De ahi en adelante, nada de lo que he hecho me ha funcionado porque no conozco bien la mecanica del dialplan ni la estructura de contextos y macros que crea zentyal.
Una pequeña aclaración por parte del equipo de zentyal sobre su dialplan estarya muy bien.
¿alguien ha hecho algo que funcione?
Si alguien tiene pronlemas para configurar el hardware analogico POST, puedo intentar ayudar.
Installation and Upgrades / [Solved] Cloud subcription no longer works
« on: November 21, 2010, 11:42:59 am »
After a recent Zential Cloud Client Update, after a server reboot i get error in dashboard about zential cloud connection failed.
I have unregistered from cloud and when i try to register again, i get user/pass error.
I have reseted my password and same result.
With my email/password i can log in to zentyal site, so the user/pass are ok.
¿What can i do?
I have unregistered from cloud and when i try to register again, i get user/pass error.
I have reseted my password and same result.
With my email/password i can log in to zentyal site, so the user/pass are ok.
¿What can i do?
Installation and Upgrades / Tyme sync NTP does not work
« on: November 14, 2010, 11:59:43 am »
In syslog i get each minute:
In console as root:
Someone has resolved this?
Code: [Select]
Nov 14 11:59:05 gila ntpd[5470]: process_private: failed auth mod_okay 0
Nov 14 11:59:05 gila ntpd_initres[7405]: ntpd returns a permission denied error!
Nov 14 11:59:05 gila ntpd[5470]: process_private: failed auth mod_okay 0
Nov 14 11:59:05 gila ntpd_initres[7405]: ntpd returns a permission denied error!
Nov 14 11:59:05 gila ntpd[5470]: process_private: failed auth mod_okay 0
Nov 14 11:59:05 gila ntpd_initres[7405]: ntpd returns a permission denied error!
In console as root:
Code: [Select]
root@gila:~# ntpdate
14 Nov 12:00:42 ntpdate[24519]: no servers can be used, exiting
Someone has resolved this?
Installation and Upgrades / [SOLVED]Zarafa Update
« on: November 05, 2010, 12:21:57 pm »
I have just applied some Zarafa updates today from system updates and now the mail folders are no longer shown in webaccess. I can see the folders list, but not the contents. The folders are shown in mobile webaccess. Other folders, like calendars, tasks etc works fine, but all mail folders are not represented.
Can someone confirm if this issue is related to last updates?
Can someone confirm if this issue is related to last updates?