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Directory and Authentication / Trust issue
« on: May 15, 2024, 07:32:49 pm »
Currently we updated the zentyal server from 6 to the version patch for windows 11 issue and was working fine few months,
After a while were getting few computers the trust issue relationship
I was reading,35602.0.html
not sure if its an issue of samba or an issue of windows
Thank you
Currently we updated the zentyal server from 6 to the version patch for windows 11 issue and was working fine few months,
After a while were getting few computers the trust issue relationship
I was reading,35602.0.html
not sure if its an issue of samba or an issue of windows
Thank you
Directory and Authentication / odd issue with samba permission in groups
« on: February 15, 2023, 05:16:07 am »
I was wondering if someone else has had this issue before running zentyal 7,
Currently i had samba shares working with user permissions, then i changed to group shares, but for some odd reason it does not apply, i thought it was the samba issue so i tested out on a windows server connected to the domain, and shares files there, and same issue
The permissions works if i only add the users but if i add the group and put the users in that group it does not apply which is odd
im not sure if its a samba issue or another issue
Thank you
I was wondering if someone else has had this issue before running zentyal 7,
Currently i had samba shares working with user permissions, then i changed to group shares, but for some odd reason it does not apply, i thought it was the samba issue so i tested out on a windows server connected to the domain, and shares files there, and same issue
The permissions works if i only add the users but if i add the group and put the users in that group it does not apply which is odd
im not sure if its a samba issue or another issue
Thank you
Installation and Upgrades / Another Issue from the update to 7.0 from 6.2.9
« on: January 26, 2023, 11:09:17 pm »
after realizing on the logs i found this
When i try to create another share it wont let me
after realizing on the logs i found this
When i try to create another share it wont let me
Code: [Select]
EBox::Sudo::_rootError('/usr/bin/sudo -p sudo: /var/lib/zentyal/tmp/jBjnS_j2CF.cmd 2> /var/lib/zentyal/tmp/stderr', 'ldbsearch -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb -s base \'dn\' --debug-stderr 2>/dev/null 1>/var/lib/zentyal/tmp/dnsZonesbSmDDy.ldif', 256, 'ARRAY(0x556143fd2d70)', 'ARRAY(0x556143fd2e00)') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ line 210
EBox::Sudo::_root(1, 'ldbsearch -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb -s base \'dn\' --debug-stderr 2>/dev/null 1>/var/lib/zentyal/tmp/dnsZonesbSmDDy.ldif') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ line 153
EBox::Sudo::root('ldbsearch -H /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb -s base \'dn\' --debug-stderr 2>/dev/null 1>/var/lib/zentyal/tmp/dnsZonesbSmDDy.ldif') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ line 251
EBox::Ldap::dn('EBox::Ldap=HASH(0x5561476e22c0)') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ line 293
EBox::Ldap::domainSID('EBox::Ldap=HASH(0x5561476e22c0)') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Samba/ line 232
EBox::Samba::SyncDaemon::setACLs('EBox::Samba::SyncDaemon=HASH(0x556147626480)') called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Samba/ line 345
EBox::Samba::SyncDaemon::run('EBox::Samba::SyncDaemon=HASH(0x556147626480)', 30, 10) called at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Samba/ line 362
Installation and Upgrades / Update issue from 6.2.9 to 7.0
« on: January 22, 2023, 08:20:39 pm »
Currently updated zentyal and it was very tricky, but finally got it to update,
but for some odd reason i cannot get the zentyal web working
during the upgrade which did not want to start the webadmin i had to go to
sudo nano /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Samba/Model/
and edit to use constant DEFAULT_SHELL => '/bin/bash';
then re-ran dpkg --configure -a
after that the webmin still wont work giving me an error
so i nano /lib/systemd/system/zentyal.cleantmp.service
and edited
then i restart zs webadmin restart and it shows OK but i check it shows stopped, then i look at the logs but i dont see nothing
any ideas
Thank you
Currently updated zentyal and it was very tricky, but finally got it to update,
but for some odd reason i cannot get the zentyal web working
during the upgrade which did not want to start the webadmin i had to go to
sudo nano /usr/share/perl5/EBox/Samba/Model/
and edit to use constant DEFAULT_SHELL => '/bin/bash';
then re-ran dpkg --configure -a
after that the webmin still wont work giving me an error
Code: [Select]
● zentyal.cleantmp.service - Clean Zentyal temp directory
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/zentyal.cleantmp.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: failed (Result: exit-code) since Sun 2023-01-22 14:06:31 -05; 2s ago
Process: 4840 ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c /bin/rm -rf /var/lib/zentyal/tmp/* (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)
Main PID: 4840 (code=exited, status=203/EXEC)
Jan 22 14:06:31 apolo systemd[1]: Starting Clean Zentyal temp directory...
Jan 22 14:06:31 apolo systemd[4840]: zentyal.cleantmp.service: Failed to execute command: No such file or directory
Jan 22 14:06:31 apolo systemd[4840]: zentyal.cleantmp.service: Failed at step EXEC spawning /usr/bin/bash: No such file or directory
Jan 22 14:06:31 apolo systemd[1]: zentyal.cleantmp.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=203/EXEC
Jan 22 14:06:31 apolo systemd[1]: zentyal.cleantmp.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Jan 22 14:06:31 apolo systemd[1]: Failed to start Clean Zentyal temp directory.
so i nano /lib/systemd/system/zentyal.cleantmp.service
and edited
Code: [Select]
ExecStart=/usr/bin/bash -c '/bin/rm -rf /var/lib/zentyal/tmp/*'
toCode: [Select]
ExecStart=/bin/bash -c '/bin/rm -rf /var/lib/zentyal/tmp/*'
then i restart zs webadmin restart and it shows OK but i check it shows stopped, then i look at the logs but i dont see nothing
any ideas
Thank you
Email and Groupware / Disable Sharing/delegation on SOGO mail?
« on: January 02, 2023, 03:05:00 pm »
Hi I was wondering if someone knows how to disable the export feature on SOGO and the delegation/sharing on SOGO mail?
Thank you
Thank you
Installation and Upgrades / Odd issue from updating 6.2 to 7
« on: December 05, 2022, 09:56:39 pm »
I was wondering if someone could shed some light on the issue im having, Currently updated correctly form 6.2 to 7 and checked that everything is working,
but on the Virtualmachine it does not show the login, but i can access perfectly though SSH and though the webmin
I was checking the logs and didnt find anything odd
Attaching picture
Thank you
I was wondering if someone could shed some light on the issue im having, Currently updated correctly form 6.2 to 7 and checked that everything is working,
but on the Virtualmachine it does not show the login, but i can access perfectly though SSH and though the webmin
I was checking the logs and didnt find anything odd
Attaching picture
Thank you
Directory and Authentication / Dynamic DNS not working? DHCP
« on: March 09, 2022, 05:35:21 am »
Hi i was wondering if someone else has had this issue before,
Currently zentyal clean install 6.2
I can reverse lookup the name of the computer which gives me the ip
but if i try to put the IP in the nslookup it says cannot find
i keep seeing this on the log
and also this
I thought it was the appamor i even tried to disable it
and rebooted the server same issue
any ideas?
Currently zentyal clean install 6.2
I can reverse lookup the name of the computer which gives me the ip
but if i try to put the IP in the nslookup it says cannot find
i keep seeing this on the log
Code: [Select]
execute: /usr/share/zentyal-dhcp/ exit status 512
Code: [Select]
root@apolo:~# nslookup
> computer0559
Name: computer0559.domain.local
** server can't find NXDOMAIN
and also this
Code: [Select]
Mar 8 23:28:57 apolo named[1632]: samba_dlz: disallowing update of signer=computer0020\$\@domain.LOCAL name=computer0020.domain.local type=AAAA error=insufficient access rights
Mar 8 23:28:57 apolo named[1632]: client @0x7f3a8c0277e0 computer0020\$\@domain.LOCAL: updating zone 'domain.local/NONE': update failed: rejected by secure update (REFUSED)
I thought it was the appamor i even tried to disable it
Code: [Select]
ln -s /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.dhcpd /etc/apparmor.d/disable/
apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.dhcpd
and rebooted the server same issue
any ideas?
Installation and Upgrades / odd issue with bind? (solved)
« on: December 21, 2021, 05:25:50 am »
Hi i was wondering if someone else has had this issue before,
Recently the server was working fine but im getting to see this error
its when i try to connect to VPN which i use openvpn pfsense, whcih it does not let me navigate, but whats odd it was working fine before
Recently the server was working fine but im getting to see this error
Code: [Select]
root@apolo:~# service bind9 status
● bind9.service - BIND Domain Name Server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/bind9.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2021-12-20 23:13:55 -05; 8min ago
Docs: man:named(8)
Main PID: 2774 (named)
Tasks: 4 (limit: 2279)
CGroup: /system.slice/bind9.service
└─2774 /usr/sbin/named -f -u bind -4
Dec 20 23:22:17 apolo named[2774]: client @0x7f29ad10e650 ( query (cache) '' denied
Dec 20 23:22:17 apolo named[2774]: client @0x7f29ad10e650 ( query (cache) '' denied
Dec 20 23:22:17 apolo named[2774]: client @0x7f29ad10e650 ( query (cache) '' denied
Dec 20 23:22:17 apolo named[2774]: client @0x7f29ad10e650 ( query (cache) '' denied
Dec 20 23:22:17 apolo named[2774]: client @0x7f29ad10e650 ( query (cache) '' denied
Dec 20 23:22:17 apolo named[2774]: client @0x7f29ad10e650 ( query (cache) '' denied
Dec 20 23:22:17 apolo named[2774]: client @0x7f29ad10e650 ( query (cache) '' denied
Dec 20 23:22:17 apolo named[2774]: client @0x7f29ad10e650 ( query (cache) '' denied
Dec 20 23:22:17 apolo named[2774]: client @0x7f29ad10e650 ( query (cache) '' denied
Dec 20 23:22:17 apolo named[2774]: client @0x7f29ad10e650 ( query (cache) '' denied
its when i try to connect to VPN which i use openvpn pfsense, whcih it does not let me navigate, but whats odd it was working fine before
Directory and Authentication / Netlogon? Scripts
« on: December 09, 2021, 01:10:15 am »
I was wondering if zentyal is compatible with netlogon script
Currently i have a windows server 2012r2 and were using netlogon which is a script, this is part of the script
when i try to access the zentyal server though the shares dont see the netlogon folder
Thank you
I was wondering if zentyal is compatible with netlogon script
Currently i have a windows server 2012r2 and were using netlogon which is a script, this is part of the script
Code: [Select]
@echo off
rem desconecte las unidades de red
net use f: /delete
net use g: /delete
net use h: /delete
net use i: /delete
net use j: /delete
net use k: /delete
net use l: /delete
net use m: /delete
net use n: /delete
net use o: /delete
net use p: /delete
net use q: /delete
net use r: /delete
net use s: /delete
net use t: /delete
net use u: /delete
net use v: /delete
net use x: /delete
net use y: /delete
if not exist g:\ net use G: "\\\unidadg"
if "%1" == "administrador" goto grupo_tecnologia
net use f: "\\\Manifiestos"
net use H: "\\\TI"
when i try to access the zentyal server though the shares dont see the netlogon folder
Thank you
Directory and Authentication / Issue with Bind?
« on: October 29, 2021, 11:19:25 pm »
I was wondering if someone else has had this issue before,
Currently i have DNS forwarder to my firewall and on the firewall i create a dns host overide to resolve to
then on zentyal i restart bind9 and starts working fine, but around few hours it starts resolving by the WAN ip instead of the LAN IP so i have to restart bind9 every time
any ideas how to make it stick?
Thank you
I was wondering if someone else has had this issue before,
Currently i have DNS forwarder to my firewall and on the firewall i create a dns host overide to resolve to
then on zentyal i restart bind9 and starts working fine, but around few hours it starts resolving by the WAN ip instead of the LAN IP so i have to restart bind9 every time
any ideas how to make it stick?
Thank you
Directory and Authentication / Quick question about GPO on ubuntu
« on: May 26, 2021, 09:22:31 pm »
i was wondering if its possible connecting a normal ubuntu desktop to the domain and apply GPO passwords policy? or does it only apply for windows?
Thank you
i was wondering if its possible connecting a normal ubuntu desktop to the domain and apply GPO passwords policy? or does it only apply for windows?
Thank you
Directory and Authentication / bitlocker question
« on: May 11, 2021, 12:55:18 am »
I was wondering if bitlocker recovery keys can be saved though GPO?
I was looking but could not find
Thank you
I was wondering if bitlocker recovery keys can be saved though GPO?
I was looking but could not find
Thank you
Installation and Upgrades / DHCP server options?
« on: February 02, 2021, 11:59:14 pm »
Hi i was wondering if someone else knows how to add option 252 for the DHCP options? I used to be able to do this on the DHCP server options on windows server but not sure how its does on zentyal
Thank you
Thank you
Directory and Authentication / local admin GPO greyedout?
« on: December 23, 2020, 03:39:28 am »
I was wondering if someone else has had this issue, with zentyal 6.2 not sure if its zentyal or the windows, i tried creating local admin though GPO but the password is greyed out which is very odd
Thank you
I was wondering if someone else has had this issue, with zentyal 6.2 not sure if its zentyal or the windows, i tried creating local admin though GPO but the password is greyed out which is very odd
Thank you
Directory and Authentication / issue not resolving?
« on: December 22, 2020, 07:47:46 pm »
Hi currently running zentyal 6.2 what i noticed is that cannot seem to resolve by IP but by name it works
currently tick the box Dynamic DNS Options but not sure what i missed?
just checked the logs and found this
and whats even odd is that i check the service of DHCP which shows on but on the WebGui shows stopped
currently tick the box Dynamic DNS Options but not sure what i missed?
Code: [Select]
Servidor predeterminado: apolo.xx.local
> pc-23
Nombre: pc-23.xx.local
Servidor: apolo.xx.local
*** apolo.xx.local no encuentra Non-existent domain
just checked the logs and found this
Code: [Select]
Dec 22 13:51:34 apolo dhcpd[17404]: execute: /usr/share/zentyal-dhcp/ exit status 32512
and whats even odd is that i check the service of DHCP which shows on but on the WebGui shows stopped
Code: [Select]
root@apolo:~# service isc-dhcp-server status
● isc-dhcp-server.service - ISC DHCP IPv4 server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/isc-dhcp-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2020-12-22 13:50:16 -05; 3min 26s ago
Docs: man:dhcpd(8)
Main PID: 17404 (dhcpd)
Tasks: 1 (limit: 4620)
CGroup: /system.slice/isc-dhcp-server.service
└─17404 dhcpd -user dhcpd -group dhcpd -f -4 -pf /run/dhcp-server/ -cf /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
Dec 22 13:53:30 apolo dhcpd[17404]: DHCPACK on to f8:1f:32:c6:19:b4 via eth0
Dec 22 13:53:30 apolo dhcpd[17404]: Commit: IP: DHCID: c0:cb:38:15:96:79 Name: PC-07
Dec 22 13:53:30 apolo dhcpd[17404]: execute_statement argv[0] = /usr/share/zentyal-dhcp/
Dec 22 13:53:30 apolo dhcpd[17404]: execute_statement argv[1] = add
Dec 22 13:53:30 apolo dhcpd[17404]: execute_statement argv[2] =
Dec 22 13:53:30 apolo dhcpd[17404]: execute_statement argv[3] = c0:cb:38:15:96:79
Dec 22 13:53:30 apolo dhcpd[17404]: execute_statement argv[4] = PC-07
Dec 22 13:53:30 apolo dhcpd[17404]: execute: /usr/share/zentyal-dhcp/ exit status 32512
Dec 22 13:53:30 apolo dhcpd[17404]: DHCPREQUEST for from c0:cb:38:15:96:79 (PC-07) via eth0
Dec 22 13:53:30 apolo dhcpd[17404]: DHCPACK on to c0:cb:38:15:96:79 (PC-07) via eth0
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