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Messages - danbishop

Pages: [1]
Has anyone found a solution for Gnome keyrings sometimes not being unlocked at login? ...

Did you remember to unblock LDAP in zentyal's firewall settings?

I've added a new "desktop" component in, so the tickets could be created there.

Awesome! Thank you :)

you could always post them here, and file a bug report ;)

I can post them here, it's just that then I've no way of knowing if they've already been reported.

The standard bug tracker doesn't seem to allow reports for zentyal-desktop, so I thought maybe there was another tracker somewhere for alpha components...?

If not, I can start posting them here though :)

I've found a handful of bugs now I've been using it a while. Is there somewhere to report these?

Oh there is on other thing too... is it possible to give users marked as admins sudo rights?...

Cached passwords is the last big missing feature for me. Everything else has really come along very well! :D

Any updates on the Maverick package? :D

0.2 works very well for me :D

When can we expect to see roaming profiles? Is that likely to be 0.3 or is that still a long way off? Also, are there plans to cache passwords so that i could login to my laptop even if it were out of range of the wireless network? At present i have to use a separate local account...

I also have this problem, if you get anywhere snarf, please let me know! :)

This is awesome! I can't wait to get home and test it :D

Also, as I understand it, Ubuntu is NOT dropping GNOME. Unity is just a shell for GNOME. GNOME will still be there, as will all its underlying technologies, Unity will just be running on top instead of GNOME Shell. :) This should mean that very little, if any, work will be required to make Zentyal desktop work with unity.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Zentyal Desktop Beta Testing?
« on: October 22, 2010, 08:55:34 pm »
Woo! :D

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Zentyal Desktop Beta Testing?
« on: October 22, 2010, 03:45:39 pm »
Any updates yet? :D I can't seem to get Ubuntu to connect to zentyal without this :(

It's great that it's so easy to connect windows machines, but most of the machines I want to connect run Ubuntu :(

Installation and Upgrades / Zentyal Desktop Beta Testing?
« on: October 04, 2010, 01:31:55 pm »
Is there a beta/alpha form of Zentyal Desktop to help with testing on Ubuntu? I really can't wait for this package to complete my Zentyal setup and I'd be very happy to help out with testing it. Do you guys have a timescale for its release?

Thanks! :D

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