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Messages - dkebler

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Installation and Upgrades / unreachable
« on: November 24, 2014, 04:01:07 am »
Finally got a running copy of zentyal going but when I try to load any modules the logs say that is not reachable so I'm stuck.

Something up with your archive (repo) server?  (try it in a browser, never connects).  Even this forum subdomain loads slowly.


Easy install was indeed the problem.

To turn off the "easy install" follow this page

and then install per the zentyal iso install page of the wiki.

BTW since virtualbox doesn't have easy install it installs fine there.

Following the wiki from here

When I try toinstall zentyal from the repository it fails based on dependencies that are not installed from that package (in particular zentyal-core).   If you try to install the core then you get further dependencies that are not installed.  WHen you try to install them it says those are not available or deprecated.

Sorry but this whole package is broken.  It's impossible to get zentyal loaded per the wiki.  I even tried replacing 3.4 with 4.0 and got the same errors.   Wiki/repository/package needs to be made current and functional.

Any of the project contributors have a response?

yes I tried that port

Downloaded the latest iso.  Set up a new VM in VMplayer (linux host). 
After launch install seems to be proceeding but then it finishes dropping to CLI prompt instead of desktop.   Could be headless install but web interface not available either (used bridged mode and thus an IP on my local LAN).  Best I can tell zentyal was never installed.  I mean there is no sources set up so can't even try a reinstall from the prompt.

One issue may be that the VM player insists on doing an "easy install" which means the install is automated.  Maybe it's missing some crucial user input??

Anyone (tried) have any tips on getting this setup on VMware Player?  Otherwise I'm better off starting from one of my base ubuntu images and install zentyal from the CLI.

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