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Installation and Upgrades / Re: Ubuntu Network-Manger conflict
« on: June 13, 2011, 09:47:35 pm »
If I set the interface to use a static IP through Zentyal, things appear to work properly...  Although it is odd, that DHCP option doesn't seem to work properly.

Installation and Upgrades / Ubuntu Network-Manger conflict
« on: June 12, 2011, 12:56:53 am »
Is there a way to get this work correctly, so the network module does not conflict with Network-Manger.  Trying to install zentyal from the Ubuntu repositories in 11.04.  But once installed, I no longer have Internet access on that computer.

seems to be fixed....


Installation and Upgrades / Re: zentyal & mail backup
« on: March 29, 2011, 08:12:49 pm »
I like the mail retrieval option myself, and use that as a backup.

If you already installed the users and file sharing module, as a master you have to run a command to uninstall it first.  There is a post somewhere here explaining.  If you do have the slave setup already but do not see the menu, not sure, mine is there...but I'm still trying to get the sync to occur.

check your DNS settings on your network maybe.  The hostname without .local will work even if DNS settings are messed up in some environments.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: System Updates vs. System Components
« on: February 17, 2011, 12:40:49 am »
I know this is an old post, but I have the same question today...

Installation and Upgrades / transparent proxy and number of NICs
« on: February 16, 2011, 07:40:17 pm »
Cannot run transparent proxy, and access https website with only one NIC.  For example, if I setup my server as a standalone server, with one network interface card, but want to route web traffic to the proxy transparently it seems I need to add a second NIC for the proxy to work fully.  I can access non secure site perfectly with one NIC, but I think the firewall rules must be mucked up when just 1 NIC is installed.

Just wondering if this is by design, that I should run with 2 NIC in bridge mode, or if I have the single NIC configured incorrectly.

Installation and Upgrades / comprehensive Linux Kernel Crash Book
« on: February 11, 2011, 06:55:29 pm »
This appears to be a good free e-book to understanding some kernel stuff...

Which in-turn could be used to help debug some Zentyal issues....

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