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Messages - Josep

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Installation and Upgrades / Re: Suscripción a Zentyal Cloud
« on: June 09, 2011, 03:37:43 pm »
Maybe you are using transparent proxy?

Installation and Upgrades / Re: [SOLVED] no admin page
« on: June 09, 2011, 03:33:17 pm »
Good to know. By the way, the Apache configuration for the interface is in /var/lib/ebox/conf/apache2.conf.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Zentyal - Static Route Problem
« on: June 08, 2011, 09:36:18 am »
You may want to take a look at the firewall definitions. Have you done something there?

Not sure about the MIME thing, haven't tried it.
Have you checked Blocking the ports listed the via firewall may be tricky. On the other hand you should be able to block those URLs easily.

Spanish / Re: Problema con VPN
« on: June 07, 2011, 08:10:52 pm »
Roberto, no explicas exactamente como está estructurada la red y, más específicamente, quién manda en la red. Qué servidor aloja el DNS y DHCP?
Si partimos del principio que es el servidor Zentyal, entonces su servidor DHCP pasa información como Gateway y nombre de dominio (sufijo DNS) a los ordenadores que se le conectan.
Dentro de la LAN (sin conectarte por VPN) las conexiones funcionan? Consigues acceder al servidor Windows 2003?
Si no lo consigues, probablemente tengas que comenzar por asegurar que el DNS y DHCP están bien configurados.
Sabrás que están bien cuando consigas hacer ping por nombre o por IP a cualquier máquina dentro de la red.

Si internamente funciona, es posible que sea un problema con la VPN.
En mi caso tuve que perder algún tiempo tuneando la configuración hasta dejarla como yo quería.
Por cierto, yo uso OpenVPN GUI para acceder a mi red.

Tuve que configurar el fichero /usr/share/ebox/stubs/openvpn/openvpn.conf.mas, añadiendo las siguientes líneas:
Code: [Select]
# Redirect al traffic though VPN server
push "redirect-gateway"
# Set some configuration values for the client
push "dhcp-option DNS <IPdelservidorZentyal>"
push "dhcp-option WINS <IPdelservidorZentyal>"
push "dhcp-option DOMAIN <tudominio>"

Por ejemplo <IPdelservidorZentyal> puede ser y <tudominio> puede ser
Esas opciones hacen que mi cliente se configure adecuadamente y todos los que usamos esta configuración trabajamos remotamente sin problemas.

No sé si te va a resolver el problema, pero espero que te ayude a indagar algunos caminos.
Si obtienes algún mensaje de error en alguna operación, es muy importante que lo coloques tal y como te aparece, y aprovecha para hacer una búsqueda en Google.


Spanish / Re: Como utilizar lvm
« on: June 07, 2011, 12:28:01 pm »
Code: [Select]
e2fsck /dev/mapper/ccc--PDC-home
resize2fs -p /dev/mapper/ccc--PDC-home 60G
lvresize --size 60G --verbose /dev/mapper/ccc--PDC-home
lvresize --size 16.5G --verbose /dev/mapper/ccc--PDC-root
resize2fs -p /dev/mapper/ccc--PDC-root

Spanish / Re: Windows 7 en la red
« on: June 07, 2011, 12:18:42 pm »
Sin problemas con clientes Windows 7. Es mejor que revises las configuraciones de red de clientes y servidor.

Spanish / Re: Problema con VPN
« on: June 07, 2011, 12:16:58 pm »
Es este el mismo caso en el que cuando hacías ping al servidor Windows, éste no respondía?
En cualquier caso, un poco más de información sobre la estructura de la red y los pasos que diste no van a perjudicar a nadie y quizás permitan que alguien dé una respuesta que te pueda ayudar.

Portuguese / Re: Host ou Destino do Backup
« on: June 06, 2011, 03:09:34 pm »
Viva. A interface do Zentyal (Basic) suporta "File System" (uma pasta disponível no próprio servidor onde Zentyal corre), FTP, RSYNC e SCP.
Não pode copiar directamente para uma partilha Windows (Samba no Linux) num computador.
As opções são:
  • Montar a partilha remota Windows numa pasta local com "mount -t cifs".
  • Correr um servidor FTP na máquina Windows (posso sugerir Filezilla FTP Server?).

How come there is a single quote unescaped in 'home/samba/shares/MARKETING/Products\\ Index/AA0062\\ Workin\'\''Hard\\ EXP\\ 0.4/Technical\\ Sheet'?

You have Workin\'\''Hard in the result. That (third) unescaped quote confuses Duplicity. What was the original name?

Installation and Upgrades / Re: eGroupware Zarafa
« on: June 04, 2011, 12:08:11 pm »
You shouldn't recreate the users on the new server, as they will get different UIDs.
You need to backup and restore the user configuration to ensure that they get the same numbers.
Now, i guess that would involve, at the very least, dumping your LDAP database and restoring it in the new server. If someone could step in with a more detailed process for this, it would be very helpful.

Portuguese / Re: Remover interface
« on: June 04, 2011, 11:41:01 am »
Code: [Select]
aptitude purge remove lxdm

Installation and Upgrades / Re: eGroupware Zarafa
« on: June 03, 2011, 04:15:40 pm »
As far as I know, all you need is the /var/vmail folder and the MySQL DB dump.
On the new server you would need to recreate all users prior to restoring the database.

All right, I have created a short script as a proof of concept:

Code: [Select]
$a = q(abc'def"gh\'i);

$a =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$a =~ s/\'/\\\'/g;

print $a."\n";

With this script, the input string abc'def"gh\'i becomes abc\'def"gh\\\'i.
I assume that Duplicity would accept an escaped string lilke that.

How can you apply it? By editing the file /usr/share/perl5/EBox/ On lines 182-187, where you have

Code: [Select]
    $rFile = shell_quote($rFile);

# shell quote does not work well for espaces with duplicity...
$destination =~ s:\ :\\\ :g;
$destination = shell_quote($destination);

Replace with

Code: [Select]
    $rFile =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
    $rFile =~ s/\'/\\\'/g;
    $rFile = shell_quote($rFile);

$destination =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
$destination =~ s/\'/\\\'/g;
# shell quote does not work well for espaces with duplicity...
$destination =~ s:\ :\\\ :g;
$destination = shell_quote($destination);

I have not tested the results so make no guarantees, use it at your own risk!
Having said that, I would make those changes and try to restore the file.
If it works, post it here and it is up to you to decide whether you keep the changes or not.
If it doesn't work, post it here with whatever error messages you get and undo the changes in the file.

Good luck.

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