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Other modules / OPenVPN Tap0
« on: June 20, 2024, 03:14:01 pm »
Sorry if this is covered elsewhere - I've tried just about everything I did find regarding this issue in this forum (and elsewhere).
Client connections (internal and external to the LAN) establish just fine but Tap0 on the Zentyal 8 / OPenVPN server running as a guest on Xenzerver 7.4 does not seem to pass traffic from the VPN's network to the internal LAN network The VPN clients can ping each other and can ping the Zentyal server's eth0 (LAN) address and Tap0 (VPN) address. TCP dump shows pings from my VPN clients hitting the server's Tap0, but nothing from Tap0 to the eth0 (internal LAN). I've set all 4 firewall modules to accept all ports from any IP. I will try to post my Zentyal OPenVPN config file later today with some screen shots of the OpenVPN, network, and Firewall admin screens.
Note that the VPN clients are running on windows 10 and 11 but that they worked just fine with Zentyal 4.1. Also, the fact that their pings hit the Zentyal Tap0 leads me to believe the issue is with the Zentyal setup and not a Win 10/11 Tap0 issue (but I could be wrong). Note I am advertising the LAN network through the VPN. Also, the Zentyal server only has 1 interface (eth0) and is not the default gateway. I know the documentation says there needs to be 2 interfaces - so does this mean it's not possible to use Zentyal 8 as a VPN with only 1 NIC? Just find it puzzling since Zentyal 4.1 worked so well in this setup.
Also, is it possible the clients' traffic is going through the server's Tap0 to Eth0 to the default gateway (which doesn't have a routing entry for the VPN) without showing up in TCP dump?
Client connections (internal and external to the LAN) establish just fine but Tap0 on the Zentyal 8 / OPenVPN server running as a guest on Xenzerver 7.4 does not seem to pass traffic from the VPN's network to the internal LAN network The VPN clients can ping each other and can ping the Zentyal server's eth0 (LAN) address and Tap0 (VPN) address. TCP dump shows pings from my VPN clients hitting the server's Tap0, but nothing from Tap0 to the eth0 (internal LAN). I've set all 4 firewall modules to accept all ports from any IP. I will try to post my Zentyal OPenVPN config file later today with some screen shots of the OpenVPN, network, and Firewall admin screens.
Note that the VPN clients are running on windows 10 and 11 but that they worked just fine with Zentyal 4.1. Also, the fact that their pings hit the Zentyal Tap0 leads me to believe the issue is with the Zentyal setup and not a Win 10/11 Tap0 issue (but I could be wrong). Note I am advertising the LAN network through the VPN. Also, the Zentyal server only has 1 interface (eth0) and is not the default gateway. I know the documentation says there needs to be 2 interfaces - so does this mean it's not possible to use Zentyal 8 as a VPN with only 1 NIC? Just find it puzzling since Zentyal 4.1 worked so well in this setup.
Also, is it possible the clients' traffic is going through the server's Tap0 to Eth0 to the default gateway (which doesn't have a routing entry for the VPN) without showing up in TCP dump?
Email and Groupware / Re: Zentyal 8.0 SOGo 5.5.1 may have known bug that affects CalDav in Thunderbird
« on: June 18, 2024, 05:20:44 pm »
The work-a-round (which is probably better than CalDav) is to use the TbSync with the Exchange ActiveSync addons. Note this will only sync calendars, tasks, and contacts, so e-mail still has to be synced via Imap.
Email and Groupware / Re: Zentyal 8.0 SOGo 5.5.1 may have known bug that affects CalDav in Thunderbird
« on: June 18, 2024, 03:59:56 pm »
SOGo's upgrade instructions are designed for systems not running Zentyal. Zentyal wraps all the various services up with its own scripts and folder hierarchy.
I would think Thunderbird functionality would be an important selling point for Zentyal and since SoGo has already patched the problem on their end, seems like a Zentyal update would be the right thing to do as opposed to making customer/users mess around with Linux.
I would think Thunderbird functionality would be an important selling point for Zentyal and since SoGo has already patched the problem on their end, seems like a Zentyal update would be the right thing to do as opposed to making customer/users mess around with Linux.
Email and Groupware / Re: Zentyal 8.0 SOGo 5.5.1 may have known bug that affects CalDav in Thunderbird
« on: June 15, 2024, 07:48:52 pm »
Are there any update plans? Seems like it would just take changing out the SOGo version in Zentyal's repository and pushing a sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade.
Email and Groupware / Zentyal 8.0 SOGo 5.5.1 may have known bug that affects CalDav in Thunderbird
« on: June 12, 2024, 10:00:48 pm »
Have been experiencing an issue where a Windows 11 Thunderbird client (115.12.0 (64-bit)) won't display CalDav calendar items from a user's SOGo email account or new items made in Thunderbird - but the new items made in Thunderbird are shown in the SOGo Webmail interface.
Wondering if this is related to the known issue in SOGo 5.5.1 where it adds in XML. Anyone else experiencing this and is there a planned update to SOGo or is there a way to manually update via cli?
"There where some changes in the gnustep-base 1.28.0 package that made SOGo add "& #65279" (without the "") to the calendar XML data.
SOGo fixed that bug in Version 5.8 but Ubuntu 22.04 is still using 5.5.1."
Sorry if this topic is covered elsewhere - nothing hit when I searched.
Wondering if this is related to the known issue in SOGo 5.5.1 where it adds in XML. Anyone else experiencing this and is there a planned update to SOGo or is there a way to manually update via cli?
"There where some changes in the gnustep-base 1.28.0 package that made SOGo add "& #65279" (without the "") to the calendar XML data.
SOGo fixed that bug in Version 5.8 but Ubuntu 22.04 is still using 5.5.1."
Sorry if this topic is covered elsewhere - nothing hit when I searched.
Other modules / Re: IPV6 support via web interface and configuration of DNS and DHCPv6
« on: October 16, 2021, 05:59:47 pm »
No replies? Really?
Other modules / IPV6 support via web interface and configuration of DNS and DHCPv6
« on: October 05, 2021, 07:46:27 pm »
Sorry if this is covered somewhere else, but I didn't get any good hits when searching.
1) Does Zentyal support ipV6 via the Web Interface yet? If yes, what version of Zentyal (I'm still on 5.1); if not, then are there plans to do so?
2) How do I set an ipV6 DNS address (would like to use OPEN DNS) in DHCP? Does this have to be done via DHCPv6?
Was having some frustrating connection issues which turned out to be my windows clients having ipV6 set as preferred and reaching out to Comcast's ipv6 DNS server. Turned IPv6 off on clients and everything is good, but I know we need to make the switch soon.
1) Does Zentyal support ipV6 via the Web Interface yet? If yes, what version of Zentyal (I'm still on 5.1); if not, then are there plans to do so?
2) How do I set an ipV6 DNS address (would like to use OPEN DNS) in DHCP? Does this have to be done via DHCPv6?
Was having some frustrating connection issues which turned out to be my windows clients having ipV6 set as preferred and reaching out to Comcast's ipv6 DNS server. Turned IPv6 off on clients and everything is good, but I know we need to make the switch soon.
Installation and Upgrades / Re: HTC 8x Windows Phone 8 and Activesync
« on: August 28, 2015, 10:25:16 pm »
So after my phone upgraded to 8.1 IMAP started to work....when I upgraded to Zentyal 4.1 MAPI started to work! Only issue is that Tasks won't sync....any suggestions? If not, do you guys think it might be possible to fix this in the next release? Or is that total up to SoGo?
One other item....It would be nice if you could sync multiple calendars...right now only my personal calendar syncs....
One other item....It would be nice if you could sync multiple calendars...right now only my personal calendar syncs....
Installation and Upgrades / HTC 8x Windows Phone 8 and Activesync
« on: December 21, 2014, 02:50:32 pm »
Sorry if the subject matter here has already been posted - I searched the forums and was unable to locate previous posts that were on point. Please point me in their direction if they exist.
So I've gotten Zentyal to sync with an i-phone, i-pad via SoGo and outlook anywhere, but my HTC 8x Windows Phone 8 spits back Error Code: 85002012. I've even converted the certifying authority and server certs from .crt to .cer and installed them directly onto the phone - still same error code. I thought Sogo and Z-Push both supported windows phones? When using Z-Push, the phone spits back that the server requires certain security features.
My Zentyal box is behind a NAT and has I have set the Zentayl interface to be a WAN (even though its really not - because the NAT forwards to that interface). As I am behind a firewall / NAT, I have set all Zentyal fire wall rules to any-any. The NAT has been configured to forward port 80 and 443 to the zentyal box. I have the following CNAME records which both point back to - "" and "" I have not been able to get the "" to work with outlook anywhere...I keep getting a message indicating that the ssl cert name doesnt match the target address even though I'm using "" as the server name and also generated/installed a "" certificate using the zentyal box on the outlook client. Does Zentyal generate and send to clients its own certificate for the server that uses the server's host name as the common name? Asking because outlook anywhere only works when I use "" as the server / CNAME. Has anyone been able to get a windows phone 8 to sync using either SoGo and/or Z-Push? If so, what were the configuration settings you used on the phone? Is it possible to remove the apache index.html default pages without breaking the webmail, outlook anywhere and ActiveSync? I don't like advertising my web server version number to the world...seems like they should correct this in a future release....
So I've gotten Zentyal to sync with an i-phone, i-pad via SoGo and outlook anywhere, but my HTC 8x Windows Phone 8 spits back Error Code: 85002012. I've even converted the certifying authority and server certs from .crt to .cer and installed them directly onto the phone - still same error code. I thought Sogo and Z-Push both supported windows phones? When using Z-Push, the phone spits back that the server requires certain security features.
My Zentyal box is behind a NAT and has I have set the Zentayl interface to be a WAN (even though its really not - because the NAT forwards to that interface). As I am behind a firewall / NAT, I have set all Zentyal fire wall rules to any-any. The NAT has been configured to forward port 80 and 443 to the zentyal box. I have the following CNAME records which both point back to - "" and "" I have not been able to get the "" to work with outlook anywhere...I keep getting a message indicating that the ssl cert name doesnt match the target address even though I'm using "" as the server name and also generated/installed a "" certificate using the zentyal box on the outlook client. Does Zentyal generate and send to clients its own certificate for the server that uses the server's host name as the common name? Asking because outlook anywhere only works when I use "" as the server / CNAME. Has anyone been able to get a windows phone 8 to sync using either SoGo and/or Z-Push? If so, what were the configuration settings you used on the phone? Is it possible to remove the apache index.html default pages without breaking the webmail, outlook anywhere and ActiveSync? I don't like advertising my web server version number to the world...seems like they should correct this in a future release....
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