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Messages - FastLaneJB

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Installation and Upgrades / Re: Migration of 3 SBS 2003
« on: October 31, 2014, 12:56:59 am »
Samba LDAP is compatible with Active Directory so I would think yes.

In theory this might be the case but if your syncing to Office 365 your AD then you'll need a Windows box to run DirSync on. Also if you are doing single sign on with Office 365 you'll need ADFS also. Not sure if any of this is possible in Linux space.

To be honest if you've moved your email to Exchange Online you'd be best to go with Windows AD servers rather than Zentyal. You can then have the full single sign on experience on your Exchange Online setup. Could have forest trusts so the migration is less hassle and use Azure AD Sync to cover off multi forest support. Yeah you need some Windows licenses but time is also money and how long is it going to take you to get Zentyal doing everything you want? Especially when you'll need Windows to sync your AD anyway...

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Zentyal 3.3 - A Magnificent Fail
« on: December 30, 2013, 07:34:28 pm »
"if there is no strong improvement in the upgrade process"

Haven't we improved that already? The upgrade from 3.2 to 3.3 should be very smooth, if you find any issue please report it and will be fixed as soon as possible. I acknowledge that in previous versions (from 2.2 to 3.0 for example), the ugprade was almost impossible. But that has changed already...

Well yes it's not impossible but it doesn't seem to result in a working system at the end either. The PHP is broken and hence Zarafa and Apache webserver don't work. Is this going to get fixed anytime soon?

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Zentyal 3.3 - A Magnificent Fail
« on: December 27, 2013, 12:05:59 pm »

The real question here is, at least from my standpoint: "why did you then upgrade from 3.2 to 3.3 if 3.2 was stable and running fine?"

Well I guess I missed the in the release notes where it said it was a beta product and shouldn't be installed on stable / production systems... I'd thought they'd done a testing period for a few months to try and polish it up and after all it only added OpenChange as a new module so I didn't think it would have regressed so much. If MS release a new version of Windows, Exchange or whatever it might have a few rough edges here and there but they'll fix them quickly but regardless it works and can be used in production from the minute they release it.

I upgraded in the hope of more bug fixes as 3.2 is hardly perfect either though it had just about got to the point where each feature was working properly. I'm only talking about the PHP issue but I had to do some other fixes to get other parts of the system running again. However I'm at a loss with PHP as it appears it needs to be recompiled and new modules pushed out for it.

I'm considering just a plain Ubuntu system with Webmin to give a bit of a graphical front end to it. I think it should be a more stable system overall and considering I need hooks to get around some parts of Zentyal it could actually be less work overall.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Zentyal 3.3 - A Magnificent Fail
« on: December 27, 2013, 12:58:06 am »
I'd just like to add my thoughts on this. I had a perfectly working 3.2 but since upgrading to 3.3 my PHP is broken. Many people have mentioned this as Zarafa Webma no longer working but in my case I've got websites on my server and they are all offline now.

It's understandable that the odd bug here or there gets through but Zentyal seems to push forward so fast with new features that there's little polish, testing on existing features. I'd like to see no need modules for a while until the existing ones are all fixed and working properly. Also add in a few of the feature requests out there. Like for example hidden shares on Samba was requested ages ago, it's probably only a few lines of code to implement it.

Openchange for instance is a great idea but it's still in it's early stages. I mean from what I've read it works properly in the most part with Outlook 2003. That's an out of date, out of support product that's 10 years old. It needs to work properly with modern versions of Outlook to be of proper use. Just because businesses want to save money on their server doesn't mean they are running Windows XP with Office 2003 still on their clients.

So overall I think you've got all the modules you need for the minute. Fix up the system so it's reliable and stable. Then add to those modules and flesh them out as some are very basic. Finally then go forth and add some new modules. I think people will understand if the pace of change slows a bit. However I think the programmers like writing the new modules so once a module is written it seems like they get bored and move on.

Not sure what I'm going to do about my server exactly but I cannot trust my home server to  Zentyal currently it seems let alone a business server. This is not a good way to sell the product.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Run PS3MediaServer or Plex without root
« on: December 11, 2013, 03:38:07 pm »
Old topic but I've written a guide on how to do just this with Plex. Hope it helps if you ever come back to this topic.,19058.0.html

Installation and Upgrades / [HOWTO] Plex Media Server
« on: December 11, 2013, 03:34:52 pm »

OK, I've worked out a way of running Plex Media Server as the user plex and having access to Samba shares configured in Zentyal so I thought I would share. This is the best way I've come up with doing this but let us know if you can think of a better way, it's been working fine for me for quite a few weeks now.

I'm not a fan of having my services running as root, my initial attempt at this had it running as a user I made inside Zentyal's LDAP with pam enabled however the service would fail on occasions when other services were restarted on Zentyal (At a guess, Samba and LDAP). So when it was up and running it worked fine but it wasn't reliable.

Anyway here we go. I'm assuming you've got some basic Linux knowledge but you shouldn't need much. I'm assuming you've got a share setup in Zentyal already with some media in it but if not make a blank one ready to have media in it.

Connect onto your Zentyal server's command line. I'm using Putty but connect on how you please.

First I switch to root so I don't need to type sudo infront of every command. Enter your password and you should now be root.

Code: [Select]
sudo -i
Lets get right to it and get Plex downloaded and installed. The commands below will download and install the 64bit version, go to the Plex site and get the URL of the 32bit one if your Zentyal isn't 64bit. This is the current version at the time of writing but again you might want to check.

I like to store the installer in /usr/src so I know which version is loaded. Maybe not the right place to put it but it's what I do.

Code: [Select]
mkdir /usr/src/plex
cd /usr/src/plex
dpkg -i plexmediaserver_0.

Right that should have Plex installed and running under it's own plex system account.

Now we need to modify the way Zentyal's Samba works with permissions. This didn't work on early versions of Zentyal's 3.2 Samba module because of a bug but it's working on newer versions. So if your on a fresh 3.2 install you should update first.

I'm a nano person but use which ever editor you like.

Code: [Select]
nano /etc/zentyal/samba.conf
Change the following line so it's not commented out and is enabled with a yes.

Code: [Select]
unmanaged_acls = yes
Lets restart the service so this takes affect.

Code: [Select]
/etc/init.d/zentyal samba restart
Now we need to fix the permissions on the folder. I'm using hooks for this so they are checked and fixed if Zentyal overwrites them at any point.

I'm using acl files as I have more than just plex needing permission to the folders and it makes it easier to manage.

Code: [Select]
nano /etc/zentyal/hooks/base.acl
Add in the following line.

Code: [Select]
This is used to set permissions to the /home/samba and /home/samba/shares folders. Now I have another acl which is used for the media folder. I give Plex write permission because you can allow Plex to delete media from a device if you want, you can give it read only access if you want. If you want read only take the w out.

Code: [Select]
nano /etc/zentyal/hooks/media.acl
Add in the following lines.

Code: [Select]

If you've already got a samba.postservice then add this code to it, if not make a new file for it.

Code: [Select]
nano /etc/zentyal/hooks/samba.postservice
Add the following code but modify the path to match where your share is. I'm assuming it's in /home/samba/shares default location but again if not just change this.

Code: [Select]

# Modify permissions for base folders
setfacl -M /etc/zentyal/hooks/base.acl /home/samba
setfacl -M /etc/zentyal/hooks/base.acl /home/samba/shares

# Check for missing permissions on shares
if ! getfacl -p /home/samba/shares/media | grep -q "plex"
   setfacl -R -M /etc/zentyal/hooks/media.acl /home/samba/shares/media

This should allow the plex system account to have access to your media files. Lets restart Samba so the permissions are updated.

Code: [Select]
/etc/init.d/zentyal samba restart
Now we just need to sort out the firewall. So log into the Zentyal Administration Interface. Go to Network and Services and click on Add New. I've got 2 services, one which is allowed from outside my network for MyPlex and another which is internal.

So lets make the internal / external ports first.

TCP 32400 (Plex Web Interface)
TCP 32433 (Plex HTTPS which at the time of writing isn't used but should be in the future).

Now make another Service which is what we need for uPnP inside your local network. Add in the following ports.

TCP 1662
TCP 32469
UDP 1900
UDP 5353
UDP 32410
UDP 32413

Now go to Firewall, Packet Filter and Configure Rules for "Filtering rules from internal networks to Zentyal". Add in both the internal and internal / external services you've setup as allow.

Now go to Firewall, Packet Filter and Configure Rules for "Filtering rules from external networks to Zentyal". Add in just the internal / external service which has the 2 ports in it.

Save changes so this change is enabled on the firewall.

Finally go to http://*zentyal-ip*:32400/web so you can configure Plex. When it comes to MyPlex you need you have Advanced Settings and then tell it to manually specify port which should be 32400. Otherwise it'll try and pick a Random port and not get through Zentyal.

You should be able to add in your media in your Samba share and that's it. Go fire up a Plex Client and give it a whirl.

Hope this helps out. I've got some other services running which I might document as well given some time.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Jabber and another OU than Users
« on: December 11, 2013, 02:07:29 am »
OK this explains why I couldn't see the Jabber settings myself either as I've added all my users into new OU's.

At least I now know it's not my Zentyal install that is broken but that there is a bug in the code. This could do with fixing as making proper use of GPO's kind of requires you to not use the Computers and Users OU but make your own.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Jabber User Settings Missing
« on: December 04, 2013, 11:51:56 pm »
Does anyone use Jabber on Zentyal on version 3.2 to even see if this is working as expected for them?

Installation and Upgrades / Jabber User Settings Missing
« on: November 30, 2013, 11:41:29 pm »

I've got the jabber module installed. I can see the jabber options to have it enabled by default in the user template but when adding or editing a user the jabber settings aren't there. So no user can access jabber.

I've run the command to make sure the LDAP schema is added in and looking inside LDAP the schema is there but no user it getting the required settings stored for them. I think this is because Zentyal isn't showing the options when adding / editing a user.

Has anyone else got jabber working on 3.2 or is it broken? If it does work for some any ideas how I can fix it?


Installation and Upgrades / Virtual Machine Manager gone?
« on: September 17, 2013, 08:33:25 pm »
Cannot see this module on Zentyal 3.2 RC2 as an installable option. Doesn't seem to be there in the package list.

Is this an accident or it's been removed?

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Samba copy just stops
« on: May 09, 2013, 12:53:00 am »
Seems this fixed itself. This line appeared in /etc/fstab the following day...

Code: [Select]
none    /run/lock       tmpfs   rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,size=52428800    0       0
I had read about that before but thought it would have been fixed out of the box on the latest ISO but seems not. It definitely appeared later because I added some mount points in once it was installed and it wasn't there then but it's appeared at the bottom of fstab now under my entries.

Glad it's working though.

Installation and Upgrades / [SOLVED] Samba copy just stops
« on: May 07, 2013, 02:25:26 pm »

OK after giving up getting Zentyal to work correctly in ESXi and using other products I really do like Zentyal so have come back to give it another go. I've install it direct to an ML110 G7 so there's no visualization used this time.

On a fresh install I've got the File Sharing module enabled. Setup a share and start to copy some files to it from a Windows 7 machine and the copy dialog just vanishes as if it has finished only it's only done some of the files. So I recopy the files over and Windows 7 resumes, does a few more and then stops again.

How do I get Zentyal to do SMB shares that are stable? This is a similar problem to what I had with ESXi so it seems that wasn't to blame after all.

I really do want to use Zentyal but if it cannot share files well then it's of no use. However if this was the case there would surely but lots of other people posting on this but there doesn't seem to be. I just don't see what I could be doing wrong. The same server works just fine if it was Windows Server loaded on it. The Windows 7 client works fine to 2 other servers on the network with copies of TB's worth of data never stopping until they are complete.

The samba.log is so verbose I don't know where to look. Just this small test has got it up to 489KB worth.

Any suggestions on what I could try to fix this?


Installation and Upgrades / Latest updates, now cannot login to Zentyal
« on: December 21, 2012, 07:30:51 am »

I've put the latest updates on and rebooted the host last night. This morning I noticed the web server isn't working. So I go to log into the Zentyal 3 server and I cannot log into it with any user account. So I'm locked out of the server.

The passwords of the accounts I'm trying are definitely right but none of them are working. Something in one of the updates has broken the local server authentication so I cannot get into Zentyal.

I'll have to try recovery mode when I can get a chance and see what's up with the authentication. I'd warn people to hang fire on the latest updates currently.


I'd just like to add that this isn't working at all for me either with SSO without it then it works fine.

So I've got just 2 rules. Both go through filter groups but I've tried it without. Neither of the rules cover all users so if you don't authenticate properly you won't be able to browse. Transparent proxy is off (I intend to use a GPO to push the proxy settings out if I get this working).

I've got Zentyal running as a Samba 4 domain, Windows 7 clients joined to the domain and Internet Explorer 9 (I've tried Firefox as well). My domain ends with a .local and I've put in the FQDN of the server of zentyal.domain.local and also tried domain.local (Does still point to the Zentyal box so goes to the proxy but doesn't work either).

Infact because I don't have a rule that works for all users when I have SSO on enabled I still get the username and password box come up. However entering a valid username and password I get a Banned User error page.

I'd like to point out that Zarafa SSO also doesn't work. For this if I enable it I get a domain login box appear but entering a valid user doesn't work.

I have moved my users from the OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=local area of AD to better apply Group Policies to various users.

Zentyal is fully patched up by doing an apt-get dist-upgrade so it should be fully current at the time of writing.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: samba share access is very slow
« on: November 23, 2012, 02:07:03 am »
Maybe related but running on ESXi 5.0 U1 with all the latest ESXi patches for 5.0. Zentyal is running on vmxnet3 so it's got a virtual 10Gbit NIC.

I've added on an Ubuntu 12.04 VM which also is using vmxnet3. I've mounted a Samba share on that from the Zentyal server and basically if I access it heavily with large files say I'm getting this in my logs...

Code: [Select]
Nov 22 21:14:47 streamer kernel: [  364.228869] CIFS VFS: RFC 1002 unknown response type 0x1a
Nov 22 21:14:47 streamer kernel: [  364.229015] CIFS VFS: Send error in Close = -11
Nov 22 21:14:47 streamer kernel: [  364.229055] CIFS VFS: Send error in Close = -11
Nov 22 21:19:50 streamer kernel: [  667.714252] CIFS VFS: Server has not responded in 300 seconds. Reconnecting...
Nov 22 21:24:58 streamer kernel: [  975.578046] CIFS VFS: Server has not responded in 300 seconds. Reconnecting...
Nov 22 21:24:58 streamer kernel: [  976.013191] CIFS VFS: RFC 1002 unknown response type 0x65
Nov 22 21:30:12 streamer kernel: [ 1289.952787] CIFS VFS: Server has not responded in 300 seconds. Reconnecting...
Nov 22 21:30:12 streamer kernel: [ 1289.953018] CIFS VFS: Send error in Close = -11
Nov 22 21:30:12 streamer kernel: [ 1289.953020] CIFS VFS: Send error in read = -11
Nov 22 21:35:19 streamer kernel: [ 1596.905161] CIFS VFS: Server has not responded in 300 seconds. Reconnecting...
Nov 22 21:35:19 streamer kernel: [ 1596.905519] CIFS VFS: Send error in read = -11
Nov 22 21:35:19 streamer kernel: [ 1596.905602] CIFS VFS: Send error in read = -11
Nov 22 21:40:26 streamer kernel: [ 1903.864641] CIFS VFS: Server has not responded in 300 seconds. Reconnecting...
Nov 22 21:40:26 streamer kernel: [ 1903.865005] CIFS VFS: Send error in read = -11
Nov 22 21:40:26 streamer kernel: [ 1903.865123] CIFS VFS: Send error in read = -11
Nov 22 21:45:33 streamer kernel: [ 2210.801928] CIFS VFS: Server has not responded in 300 seconds. Reconnecting...
Nov 22 21:45:34 streamer kernel: [ 2210.856815] Status code returned 0xc0000008 NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE
Nov 22 21:45:34 streamer kernel: [ 2210.856820] CIFS VFS: Send error in read = -9
Nov 22 21:45:34 streamer kernel: [ 2210.887643] Status code returned 0xc0000008 NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE
Nov 22 21:45:34 streamer kernel: [ 2210.887647] CIFS VFS: Send error in read = -9
Nov 22 21:45:34 streamer kernel: [ 2210.887895] Status code returned 0xc0000008 NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE
Nov 22 21:45:34 streamer kernel: [ 2210.887898] CIFS VFS: Send error in read = -9
Nov 22 21:45:34 streamer kernel: [ 2210.887978] Status code returned 0xc0000008 NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE
Nov 22 21:45:34 streamer kernel: [ 2210.887981] CIFS VFS: Send error in read = -9
Nov 22 21:45:34 streamer kernel: [ 2210.888045] Status code returned 0xc0000008 NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE
Nov 22 21:45:34 streamer kernel: [ 2210.888047] CIFS VFS: Send error in read = -9
Nov 22 21:45:34 streamer kernel: [ 2210.889276] Status code returned 0xc0000008 NT_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE
Nov 22 21:45:34 streamer kernel: [ 2210.889280] CIFS VFS: Send error in read = -9
Nov 22 21:45:34 streamer kernel: [ 2211.564048] CIFS VFS: RFC 1002 unknown response type 0xdc
Nov 22 21:45:34 streamer kernel: [ 2211.564191] CIFS VFS: Send error in read = -11
Nov 22 21:45:34 streamer kernel: [ 2211.564229] CIFS VFS: Send error in read = -11
Nov 22 21:45:34 streamer kernel: [ 2211.564273] CIFS VFS: Send error in Close = -11

It's not a happy puppy. I've also noticed in Windows when copying large files across shares that the copy stops on occasions that it cannot see the network share. So I believe Windows is doing the same as the ubuntu client so the problem seems to be related to the Zentyal Samba server.

Any ideas?

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