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Messages - J. A. Calvo

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 121
News and Announcements / Re: Zentyal 6.0 available!
« on: December 11, 2018, 12:12:48 pm »
The upgrade of the Forum to a newer version is on our ToDo list. Spam is a problem, but the reported Spam posts and users are deleted as soon as they are reported - Thanks for this. If you have any suggestions for good plugins to avoid Spam, these are welcome.

New zentyal-core 5.1.3 and 5.0.14 packages have been published removing ubuntu-minimal automatically in the upgrade script, so this should not happen again. Thanks for reporting!

Directory and Authentication / Re: Domain Problem Zentyal 6
« on: November 19, 2018, 12:05:46 pm »
Please check if upgrading to zentyal-samba 6.0.1 fixes the issue, thanks!

PS: after upgrading, you may need to restart also the firewall module with the following command:

Code: [Select]
sudo zs firewall restart

News and Announcements / Re: Zentyal 6.0 available!
« on: November 19, 2018, 11:05:05 am »
The ubuntu-minimal problem is very strange, we can't reproduce it. If we try to upgrade it via commandline or Zentyal UI it fails due to unmet dependencies (as it should be). The solution here to avoid having ubuntu-minimal in the pending system updates list is to remove it with sudo apt purge ubuntu-minimal  (it is an "empty" metapackage anyway so removal won't cause any trouble).

Of course we will publish a new version of the release-upgrade script running the above command automatically so no pending updates appear after upgrading to 6.0. But the thing is, we can't reproduce that "all modules seem to vanish" scenario, so any other information about how you can reach that situation would be very helpful to prevent it from happening.

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Zentyal 6.0 + Transparent Proxy
« on: November 08, 2018, 05:21:26 pm »
This should be fixed in zentyal-squid 6.0.1, thanks for reporting!

Thanks for pointing the missing wget, I've edited the post.

About the Zentyal 5.1 repositories, nothing "happened" to them, there was no change at all in their content in the last days (mainly because the team was focused in the release of Zentyal 6.0). In fact, those "conflicting packages" (libapt-pkg5.0 and libapt-inst2.0) have been there for a full year (introduced as dependencies of the samba 4.7 packages from a newer version of Ubuntu before the release of Zentyal 5.1) causing no problem at all during this whole year.

The problem arose the other day as a result of the release of newer apt packages to the Ubuntu xenial-updates repo, and as the version from libapt-pkg5.0 in the Zentyal repo was greater than the correct one in xenial-updates, apt was left in a broken state after the upgrade. The solution has been just deleting those packages from the repo, as they were no longer needed because currently with the newer packages from Ubuntu all the dependencies were already satisfied.

Finally, as I said in my previous post, the "real fix" is not having any packages with newer version in the Zentyal repo than in the Ubuntu ones in the newest Zentyal 6.0, so this release is definitely "protected" against these problems.

Hope this clarifies the issue.


We've fixed removing the conflicting packages with the new ones in the Ubuntu 16.04 repos and this should not happen again in fresh installs.

For already broken installations the fix, as pointed out here, is:

Code: [Select]
sudo dpkg --install --force-downgrade libapt-pkg5.0_1.2.29_amd64.deb

And after that, as zentyal repo is already fixed, upgrades should work now normally, without need of pining or holding any package.

Thanks for reporting!!

PS: Please also note that Zentyal 6.0, which was released yesterday and is based on Ubuntu 18.04, was not affected at all: The problem in Zentyal 5.1 was caused due to the dependencies introduced for having Samba 4.6 (the Samba version in the official Ubuntu repos was 4.3). In Zentyal 6.0 we are no longer backporting packages, we just depend on the Samba 4.7 packages included in the Ubuntu 18.04 repos (this would be also our policy for all future releases). So, installing Zentyal 6.0 would be the recommended option for fresh installs anyway, as it should not be affected for these kind of issues in the future and just receive updates from Ubuntu normally.

We've just released Zentyal 6.0 with zentyal-radius included in the official repository, integrating FreeRADIUS 3.0 on Ubuntu 18.04.

Many thanks to julio for all the patches on the previous versions!!

News and Announcements / Zentyal 6.0 available!
« on: October 30, 2018, 01:14:04 am »
Hi all,

The Zentyal Development Team proudly presents Zentyal 6.0, a new release of the Zentyal Open Source Linux Server with native Active Directory® interoperability.

This release is based on the newest Ubuntu Server 18.04.1 LTS and comes with the latest versions of all the integrated software, starring Linux 4.15 and Samba 4.7. Also, this version introduces the RADIUS and Virtualization Manager modules.

This brand new version is available for download at:

You can find out all the details in the official announcement:

Looking forward to receiving your feedback and comments. More updates will be coming in the next weeks!

Installation and Upgrades / Re: Now attempting 5.1 installation
« on: April 07, 2018, 11:04:59 am »
That's very strange, as you say it should work out of the box.

Do you get any error if you execute "sudo zs webadmin restart" ? Check also /var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log for errors.

News and Announcements / Zentyal 5.1 available!
« on: March 22, 2018, 09:00:53 am »
Hi all,

The Zentyal Development Team proudly presents Zentyal 5.1, a new release of the Zentyal Open Source Linux small business server with Active Directory interoperability.

This release is based on the newest Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS and comes with the latest versions of all the integrated software, starring Linux 4.13, SOGo 4.0 and ejabberd 17.07. Also, the IPS and FTP modules are back.

This brand new version is available for download at:

You can check out all the details in the official announcement:

Looking forward for your feedback and don't forget more updates will be coming among next weeks!

Email and Groupware / Re: SOGo update?
« on: September 23, 2017, 11:38:21 am »
Hi, we've pushed the update, could you please confirm that the issue is fixed? Thanks!

Spanish / Re: Zentyal 5.0 sobre Hyper-V, aun no?
« on: September 18, 2017, 12:57:49 pm »

Ahora debería funcionar perfectamente en Hyper-V tanto con maquinas de generation 1 (BIOS) como generation 2 (UEFI), eso sí, algunas recomendaciones para evitar problemas de rendimiento o visuales: desactivar los servicios de integración (por ejemplo la sincronización de tiempo genera demasiados mensajes en la consola), y añadir una tarjeta gráfica (de lo contrario arrancará igualmente pero es probable que se quede la pantalla en negro unos minutos en lugar de mostrar el progreso de la segunda fase de la instalación).

Un saludo!

News and Announcements / New Zentyal 5.0.1 installer available!
« on: September 18, 2017, 10:59:53 am »
Hi all,

We have now published the first revision of Zentyal 5.0, including the compilation of all the fixes and improvements to the date together with the following highlights:
  • Hybrid ISO with support for legacy BIOS and modern UEFI ones
  • Based on the new Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS released last month
  • Integration of the last Samba 4.6.7 and SOGo 3.2.10
  • Fixes installation problems on Hyper-V and other virtualization platforms or specific hardware
You can get the new ISO as usual from

Hope you enjoy it!

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