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Messages - zentyaltester7

Pages: [1]
Zentyal closes Tickets automatically without giving an answer :-(

Let me try to explain my scenario:
have upgraded to 4.0, lost some of my used modules...
And got the same problem.

My Solution:
after analysing and investigating, i found that the udev startup
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service zentyal openchange startis starting one process
And there was a system-V-init too:
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/etc/rcX.d/S80openchange-ocsmanagerso the ocsmanager was startet twice and the second one made these logs, producing huge cpu-load and bloading my /var-dirctory allways to 100%.

I removed the oldstyle with this
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update-rc.d openchange-ocsmanager disableNow only one ocsmanager is started and the log is clean. May you reboot or restart openchange.

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