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Messages - ow

Pages: [1]
EDIT: I was wrong, that didn´t worked...

I managed to fix my problem,

Code: [Select]
samba-tool dbcheckshowed a lot of errors
So i ran:
Code: [Select]
samba-tool dbcheck --fix
and everything works fine again

I upgraded the Server from Zentyal 4.2 to 5.0, since then i have a problem with all users that already existed at this time.

When I add a user to a group (via GUI or via net rpc group ADDMEM groupname username) the group membership is shown in the GUI (and via net rpc group MEMBERS groupname)
BUT not in the system via 'id username'
The user is in all groups that he was during the migration, no matter if i add the user to new groups or delete him from groups, the id command shows the same groups all the time.

When i add a new user everything works as expected with this user

Thanks in Advance for any help

Pages: [1]