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Topics - boeykes

Pages: [1]
Installation and Upgrades / ldap troubles
« on: February 11, 2011, 07:05:24 pm »

I am using the older version of zentyal, ebox.

I am not sure of this is the right place to post my problem,
but it is a configuration problem.

I am wondering of theire is a simple way to confgure ldap.
I have problems with some programs within my domain that won't work.

The programma's aren't installed in the program files folder on de the workstations.
You know would say that there is the problem.
I now that because I think that ebox only allows users with no rights to execute something from the program files. The program's I used can't be installed in the program files folder.

Is theire maybe a way that I can add a directory to ldap
so ldap knows that things in that directory are allowed to be executed by everyone.

Or maybe I can ldap that the program (by using the name not the folder) is allowed to be executed.

I hope to hear for someone soon and that he can fix my problem.
I will be so thankfull if someone can.

Have a nice day

Installation and Upgrades / domein - firewall - pc
« on: October 18, 2010, 06:49:52 pm »

I'm making a domain server at my school. It's a project that I do.
We have a classroom which we experiment in. We putted in this room an IPCOP.
So we are not directly at the network of the whole school.
The problem is that the domain server in the entire network is.
I want to connect to the domain server through IPCOP.
The problem is that the pc never can make a connection. I have tried to let the IPCOP away and then it worked. So I know that IPCOP is the problem.

The question that I have is, wich port does the domein controller use ?
So I can let them through.
I hope on a quick respone.

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