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Messages - xplanet

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How can I change the attachment file number limit? Not the file-size limit in /usr/share/zarafa-webaccess/.htaccess but for example enable to send 25 pdf files in one e-mail as attachments.

I've got several mails like this:
"Subject: Cron /usr/bin/freshclam --quiet
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968
Message-Id: <20130430070003.9B9B7780FE6@avenidatravel.avenidatravel-domain.lan>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2013 09:00:03 +0200 (CEST)

sh: 1: /usr/share/zentyal-antivirus/freshclam-observer: Permission denied"

Does it have any connection with mail filter problem?

The non-zarafa accounts never worked on this server. They can send e-mails but can't receive any. We don't use them because we need only zarafa mail service so it wasn't a big problem. However spam@ and ham@ accounts are not working, they are non-zarafa accounts. May it cause problem in mail filter?


if you upgrade to the last version of zentyal-users you will get likely a more explicit error.

Since the message error is very terse I have not idea of what is going on but we had recently problems with losing LDAP schemas. If you see that this is the problem, you can try to fix it with this command:

Code: [Select]
sudo -s # this will prompt your for password to get superuser access
perl -MEBox -MEBox::Global -e'EBox::init(); $mod = EBox::Global->modInstance('mailfilter'); $mod->performLDAPActions(); 1'
/usr/share/zentyal-mailfilter/mailfilter-ldap update
/etc/init.d/zentyal mailfilter restart
exit # exit superuser account

And always, like Christian says, you can disable the mailfilter to at least deliver mail
Thank you, I've two questions:
Do I need to backup first or it's a safe command?
Can I use this command with disabled mailfilter module? Or I have to re-enable it before?

Maybe it is changed in Zentyal 3.0
I had no better idea, so I disabled the Mail Filter module in 'Module Status'. After that there was 'Filter in use' option at 'Mail' > 'General' > 'Mail filter options' which is set to 'none' now.
Now the mail server can send and receive mails at least.

It's time to repair the mail filter. Before that I go out for a coffee, I didn't sleep too much at night.  :(

There is 'Mail Filter' section with:

        SMTP Mail Filter
        Files ACL

but there is no option to disable the mail filter.
In 'Mail Filter' > 'SMTP Mail Filter' > 'General' there are: 'Antivirus enabled', 'Antispam enabled' and 'Service's port' 'Notify of non-spam problematic messages' only.

Sorry to forgot. It is Zentyal 3.0.19

There is no any option at: 'Mail' > 'General' > 'Mail filter options'
only this text: "As long mailfilter module is enabled the mail server will use the filter it provides"

You mean to to deactivate mailfiltering features but not the module, don't you?
Where can I do that?
'Module Status' > 'Mail Filter' would disable the module.

I read this old thread: but didn't solve my problems.

I've already deactivated 'Antivirus enabled' and 'Antispam enabled' in 'Mail Filter > SMTP Mail Filter' (MailFilter/Composite/Amavis) but the only change is that, all messages Status in Queue Manegement is: "connect to[]:10024: Connection refused" now.
I tried to 'Attempt to deliver all queues mail', none of them delivered.

I've made a zentyal update and after that I'm getting following error messages:
connect to[]:10024: Connection refused
delivery temporarily suspended: connect to[]:10024: Connection refused

The bad part is that the whole mail service is stopped.

cat /var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log | grep mailfilter

2013/04/30 02:06:19 ERROR> EBox::GlobalImpl::__ANON__ - Failed to save changes in module mailfilter: LDAP error: An invalid parameter was specified
2013/04/30 02:06:19 ERROR> EBox::GlobalImpl::saveAllModules - The following modules failed while saving their changes, their state is unknown: mailfilter
2013/04/30 02:12:42 INFO> EBox::Util::Init::stop - Modules to stop: apache network firewall antivirus audit ca dhcp dns ebackup events logs mailfilter monitor ntp openvpn printers remoteservices users webserver jabber mail samba usercorner webmail zarafa
2013/04/30 02:15:40 INFO> EBox::Util::Init::start - Modules to start: network firewall antivirus audit ca dhcp dns ebackup events logs mailfilter monitor ntp openvpn printers remoteservices users webserver jabber mail samba usercorner webmail zarafa apache
2013/04/30 02:16:00 INFO> EBox::Module::Service::restartService - Restarting service for module: mailfilter
2013/04/30 02:25:41 INFO> EBox::GlobalImpl::saveAllModules - Saving config and restarting services: firewall dns dhcp mail events zarafa mailfilter logs
2013/04/30 02:26:00 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::save - Restarting service for module: mailfilter
2013/04/30 02:27:19 INFO> EBox::GlobalImpl::saveAllModules - Saving config and restarting services: firewall dns dhcp mail events zarafa mailfilter logs
2013/04/30 02:27:38 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::save - Restarting service for module: mailfilter
2013/04/30 02:27:38 ERROR> EBox::GlobalImpl::__ANON__ - Failed to save changes in module mailfilter: LDAP error: An invalid parameter was specified
2013/04/30 02:27:39 ERROR> EBox::GlobalImpl::saveAllModules - The following modules failed while saving their changes, their state is unknown: mailfilter
2013/04/30 02:28:54 INFO> EBox::GlobalImpl::saveAllModules - Saving config and restarting services: firewall mailfilter logs
2013/04/30 02:28:56 INFO> EBox::Module::Base::save - Restarting service for module: mailfilter

Thank you for the tip. It worked for some (previously missing) mail folders but not for all of them.
I've made a test account and made 21 mail folders for it. I can see all of them in Thunderbird. Then I made five subfolder, nested inside one another. I was able to see three of them in Thunderbird with subscribe method, but not all of them. Here are the screenshots:

I'm using Zentyal 3.0-2 as mail server. My problems are:
- Mail folders are missing in Thunderbird, but I can see them in Zarafa webclient.
- I can't see any mail subfolders in Thunderbird that was created in webclient.
I'm using IMAP (and tried IMAPS too) connection in Thunderbird.

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