Author Topic: Join the Zentyal Bug Hunters Squad!  (Read 8969 times)

eloy crespo

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Join the Zentyal Bug Hunters Squad!
« on: March 06, 2012, 11:22:29 am »
Dear all,

We have just launched the Zentyal Bug Hunters Squad and it would be great if you wanted to join the team! This team aims at guaranteeing better and faster debugging process and team members' tasks include, among others: recognizing bugs in Forum posts, asking the users to file bug reports, completing inaccurate bug reports or making the necessary additional questions to reproduce and fix the reported bug.

If you are interested in joining this new team, simply let us know by answering in this thread (for clearance), check out the Bug Hunting Guidelines and get started. The Bug Hunters Squad is currently lead by Ichat, Zentyal Community Member, who will answer to any questions or doubts you might have regarding the bug hunting through the #zentyal on