Thanks for your ideas about the problem
I had defined the file /etc/zentyal/stubs/samba/smb.conf.mas as template
I obtain the \\server\Fuentes$ to assign:
path = /home/shares/samba/Fuentes
The problem is that i want to hide the resource.
Normally this is easy, with the parameter browseable=no, but in my case, this parameter is assigned in the /etc/stubs/zentyal/samba/smb.conf.mas as browseable=no, but in the file /etc/samba/smb.conf is browseable=yes.
I try to modify in smb.conf to broseable=no, but when i restart the service the parameter return to browseable=yes.
I think that the file /etc/samba/smb.conf is reconstructed when i restart the service, but I don't know who is the source to reconstructed it.
Thanks in advance.