Author Topic: Virtual machine not starting  (Read 2933 times)


  • Zen Samurai
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Virtual machine not starting
« on: October 10, 2011, 06:43:35 pm »
I am using zentyal 2.2

I have installed virtualbox-ose and than installed the zentyal module for virtual servers.

Everything seems fine until I actually start the virtual machine... does not matter if I try to create and lunch through zentyal console or if I try to create and start one on the host system. 

The virtualbox does not start... gives me an error about having to do a modprobe vboxdrv and something about installing virtualbox-ose-dkms.

This has never happened before and through the beta tests of zentyal I have never had a problem with virtualbox.  From reading on the internet it seems like a problem with the kernel not loadin.. or something like that.

Has anyone had any issues like this ??

Also since my install of virtualbox it seems that my dashboard widgets which show me my interface rates are not longer working.  They never seem to update.