> - it was previously working.
True. It worked fine, at least, until August 30 at 19:00.
> - you changed nothing and then it failed for machines on LAN while Zentyal was still able to access internet
That is. I detected this problem Agust 31 at 08:00
And worse (or not?): I can reproduce this odd behaviour in a clean install (same hardware, of course).
> - http proxy is used
Rigth too. BTW, enabling and disabling it, nothing seems to change.
> - if you add ISP DNS to machines on LAN, it works!!!
At least it worked today at 19:00 (and I hope tomorrow it still working)
> Or... I just realize this, your set up is made to use transparent proxy...
> Could you confirm this
Yes. It has been always enabled (last two days I did some test disabling it for a few minutes and enabled again).
> So your test is showing that HTTP proxy is not used (or not working)
Any idea to investigate it deeper?
Kubuntu 10.04.3 64bits (linux-server)
AMD 4850e
2 x 1Tb as RAID1 + LVM
Router Huawei HG556a (Vodafone)
eth0 (internal): build in, 192.168.11.XXX
eth0 (external): pci, 192.168.0.XXX
(at home I've an identical box but different router, both available for any kind of test)