Author Topic: PPPoE does not reconnect after ADSL downtime.  (Read 2440 times)


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PPPoE does not reconnect after ADSL downtime.
« on: January 15, 2011, 01:19:21 pm »
This is bugging me to no end. Twice during the last three weeks I've had to walk through a blizzard simply to get a Zentyal server back online after the ADSL-connection went down for a short time.

Although this is a HUGE BUG, that's not the purpose of this post, the purpose is to find a solution I can reliably use.

I'm not much of a script-writer (at least not yet), so I'm hoping someone out there has solved this already.

The script will, I guess, run as a cronjob (doesn't have to run more than every 10 minutes or so for my needs) which checks that it can ping the standard gateway, and if it can't it'll try to reconnect. (Either by sending ppp-connect commands, or by bringing the interface down, then back up.)

Does anybody know of such a script for Zentyal?

« Last Edit: January 15, 2011, 01:42:50 pm by Trym »