Author Topic: Is there an automatic detection and configuration of DHCP for 3 ADSL?  (Read 2310 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Hello.. Im trying to have installed 3 ADSL in one Computer with Zentyal installed.
I got 4 ethernet cards installed in the PC, one is working with a ADSL connection.
The other 2 ADSL are not working(receiving data, its just activated) and in the 4th one Im connecting via Ethernet with a laptop to check the connection, but I cant get it to work.
I was expecting that Zentyal automatically detected the mac address trying to access the system, so I could give it the access and start sending the Internet.
Could someone guide me in configuring the 2 lines so I start sending the Bandwidth with the charge balance with a Access Point on the 4th ethernet card., (instead of the laptop connected)
Please I would really appreciate Help with this.
Thanks in advance.