Author Topic: Port forward port 80 from ext to internal port 85  (Read 1755 times)


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Port forward port 80 from ext to internal port 85
« on: November 02, 2010, 03:12:36 pm »

I've been using ClearOS and had a problem with Win 7 not connecting to the Internet.  Win XP users connected with no problems at all.  So I've decided to try Zentyal.

Everything works fine, but I cannot get port 80 to port forward to the Internal Windows server that is running an SQL web app on port 85.

The static ip is set on eth1 and the local (gw) is on eth0.  The Windows server is on its own ip:  So when someone from outside wants access to the web application, they will type: e.g.  I port forwarded port 80 to 85 so the link will be:  At the moment when I type I get the famous:  It works! message.  So it is seeing the Zentyal install instead of going to the Windows server...  Hope this makes sense.

I also need to allow port 1433, 135, 4022 for incoming and port forward 1433 to the Win box.  What am I missing or not doing correctly?

Any help and advice will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.