Author Topic: external mail retrieval  (Read 2062 times)


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external mail retrieval
« on: August 17, 2010, 11:40:24 pm »
Now that the install has upgrade to 1.5.11 the external email retrieval and the dashboard controls for it now work as expected.

Regarding fetchmail settings.

I've found the /etc/ebox-fetchmail.rc, and would like to change some settings, after editing the file to change the poll time from the default 3 minutes to 10 minutes and adding the keep command, I see that the changes to the file break the fetchmail process.
If the change button is used in the user corner for the particular retreival account without making any actual changes, I find that the /etc/ebox-fetchmail.rc file is changed back to the default settings, 180 sec and without the keep command.

What would be the best way to attain these desired settings to allow keep and extend the polling time?

J. A. Calvo

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Re: external mail retrieval
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2010, 12:24:32 am »
You can change it in the .mas file under /usr/share/ebox/stubs/mail so if the service is restarted the /etc file won't be overwritten. But take into account that it can be overwritten anyway if the ebox-mail package is updated.
Zentyal Server Lead Developer