Author Topic: Folder redirection in Zentyal? Projects  (Read 641 times)


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Folder redirection in Zentyal? Projects
« on: October 03, 2024, 03:45:24 am »
I've hated that windows server ADDC is basically gold standard in multi user setups. windows server, to me, is archaic, clunky, unreliable, buggy, and just overall a pile of garbage but i have no choice but to deploy this for customers and just deal with the everest sized pile of problems with it. So Every few years i poke around and try out linux alternatives in hopes that someday someone will crack it. That time has come around again and I'm playing with zentyal, seems straightforward for user setup and for people who need really basic setups this is probably fine and i might consider it for tiny networks to get people off of local accounts in small customer setups, but unless im missing something its missing a glaringly huge feature that is basically necessary, user folder redirection. i cant overstate enouhg how essential i feel folder redirection is and for those who dont know this basically means that each user has all their files stored on a central server rather than the machine. This protects from hardware failures among other things as in the event of a pc failure or upgrade there's nothing to migrate and also allows users to go from pc to pc in the network and have access to their files. this might seem trivial to most but as an MSP the ability to ship out a replacement machine to someone if something happens and they just sign into the DC and everything is business as usual... this is essential. Is there a way to do this in zentyal for windows clients and possibly linux clients? or is there another product, paid or free that actually does this? i dont think any linux dc solution will ever be complete without this.


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Re: Folder redirection in Zentyal? Projects
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2024, 12:36:59 pm »
If you're inquiring about roaming profiles for Windows systems and folder redirection, I recommend consulting the official Zentyal documentation.