Hi guys
my zentyal ad controller went out today. A power outage crippled the server and now I can´t load the web interface and I seem to be unable to get dns (bind9), nginx or samba services restarted.
things I tried
1. tried to restart some services, some I was able to restart, other just simply hang
sudo zs dns restart - hangs indefinetely
sudo systemctl restart - hangs indefinetely
sudo systemctl start zentyal.webadmin-nginx.service worked ok
sudo systemctl start zentyal.webadmin-uwsgi.service worked ok
after issuing the last commands I get a 504 ngnix error when trying to load the page
2. I figure I'd try to update the system but that didn´t help
first of all sudo apt update was not able to connect without dns and for some reason I didn´t have a default gateway but that I was able to resolve by adding the gateway manually with sudo ip route add default via <gateway ip> dev eth0, so I can ping out to an ip address but i haven´t be able to figure out how to get dns working.
I did an sudo apt autoremove -y.. but this process gets stucked at 99% after restarting zentyal module webadmin
3. I read I could try to reconfigure the packages so I did sudo -configure -a but that get's stuck in configuring zentyal-core (7.0.9)...
4. I tried to lookup some info in the logs
- zentyal.log shows nothing that may lead to a resolution.. no error in particular
- syslog shows some error related to samba and dnsupdate_nameupdate_done failed dns update with exit code 1
- software.log says there's an issue connecting to local mysql server through socket /var/run/mysqld/mysql.sock' when processing package zentyal-core, I tried to restart mysql and and that did work as well as this command: mysqlcheck -u root -p$(cat /var/lib/zentyal/conf/zentyal-mysql.passwd) \
5. try sudo dpkg-reconfigure zentyal and the same for bind9 and the command completed with no error
but when I try to do sudo sudo zs dns start it hangs.. and when i try to do sudo systemctl start bind9 it fails with code exited status =1/failure ... failed to start Bind Domain name server
and journalctl -u bind9 shows no entries
6. samba (smbd) appears dead.. and when I try to do sudo systemctl start smbd if failed after sometime (it times out)... checking sudo journalctl -u smbd says failed to start samba smb daemon but nothing that would tell me why.
I tried to check samba with samba-tool dbcheck -cross-ncs and --fix and all appears good but if I check if the service is up and running with sudo systemctl start smbd It fails and I get a message that smbd.service is masked as the reason. I tried to unmask it but still not able to get the service up and running again.
I looked at var/log/zentyal/zentyal.log and I get something that says
'ldap.::safeconnect - fatal : could not connect to samba ldap server connect permission denied at /usr/share/perl5/ebox ldap.pm line 219, found this post
https://forum.zentyal.org/index.php?topic=35172.0, I did as suggested but I can't still start bing9 or samba
Any help or guidance would be greatly apprciated it