Author Topic: Zentyal 8.0 SOGo 5.5.1 may have known bug that affects CalDav in Thunderbird  (Read 2518 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Have been experiencing an issue where a Windows 11 Thunderbird client (115.12.0 (64-bit)) won't display CalDav calendar items from a user's SOGo email account or new items made in Thunderbird - but the new items made in Thunderbird are shown in the SOGo Webmail interface.

Wondering if this is related to the known issue in SOGo 5.5.1 where it adds in XML.  Anyone else experiencing this and is there a planned update to SOGo or is there a way to manually update via cli?

"There where some changes in the gnustep-base 1.28.0 package that made SOGo add "& #65279" (without the "") to the calendar XML data.
SOGo fixed that bug in Version 5.8 but Ubuntu 22.04 is still using 5.5.1."


Sorry if this topic is covered elsewhere - nothing hit when I searched.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2024, 10:25:35 pm by Zlaxer »


  • Zen Apprentice
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Are there any update plans?  Seems like it would just take changing out the SOGo version in Zentyal's repository and pushing a sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade.


  • Zentyal Staff
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The version that uses Zentyal 8.0 for Sogo is 5.5.1, and the packages that provide this version are obtained from the official Ubuntu repositories.
You can take a look at SOGo's nightly builds. These are automatic builds made daily from the latest code in the project, and are intended for users who want to test the latest features before they are included in a stable release.
You may also be interested in the service offered by SOGo under a subscription that includes support and a private repository. It has advantages such as early access to stable versions, support, updates and security patches.
Remember that you can also use community support.


  • Zen Apprentice
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SOGo's upgrade instructions are designed for systems not running Zentyal.  Zentyal wraps all the various services up with its own scripts and folder hierarchy.

I would think Thunderbird functionality would be an important selling point for Zentyal and since SoGo has already patched the problem on their end, seems like a Zentyal update would be the right thing to do as opposed to making customer/users mess around with Linux.


  • Zen Apprentice
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The work-a-round (which is probably better than CalDav) is to use the TbSync with the Exchange ActiveSync addons.  Note this will only sync calendars, tasks, and contacts, so e-mail still has to be synced via Imap.


  • Zen Apprentice
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This issue affects Outlook CalDav Synchronizer as well.