Hello Everyone,
i have trouble after upgrading to 22.04 - Zentyal 8.
after recovering the whole system due complications while upgrading - it powered off. Ubuntu is running correctly again. but Domain Controller and File Sharing and OpenVPN cant be reinstalled, i had it installed and now they are missing. Configuration files are there but every time i try to reinstall i get the message that there are not available packages.
i did this to get the available packages
dpkg -l
and these packages are listed as RC zentyal-ips (7.0.0), zentyal-openvpn (7.1.0), zentyal-samba (7.1.0) and Zentyal-ucp (6.2.0)...
no matter what is do (apt update, upgrade, rebooting and trying again, there is no way to reisntall Domain Controller and VPN....
any clues how can i fix this?
Thanks for you help!!