Author Topic: WAN Failover Setup  (Read 2533 times)


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WAN Failover Setup
« on: January 10, 2024, 06:26:14 pm »
Hello, community.

I have my Zentyal server set up as the primary gateway on my network and it has two WAN connections: one primary and one backup. The primary WAN is fast and unlimited, the backup WAN is slow and incurs usage charges. As you might imagine, I don't want the backup WAN to be used at all unless the primary WAN connection fails. I'm having trouble getting Zentyal set up this way.

Currently under Gateways I once for each WAN. Both are enabled, the primary WAN is marked as default and the backup WAN is not. The primary gateway has a weighting of 1 and the backup has a weighting of 15, although my understanding would be that those weightings are irrelevant unless I'm trying to do Traffic Balancing, which I don't think I am. As such, I have nothing set under Traffic Balancing, and under WAN Failover I have rules that test the primary gateway and disable it if it can't reach the outside world.

WAN failover is working in the sense that the primary gateway does indeed end up in a disabled state if there's no connectivity, at which point all traffic is routed through the backup gateway.

The problem is that even when the primary gateway/WAN is working, some traffic flows through the backup WAN. Based on the stats I see I believe Zentyal is balancing my traffic based on the weightings I have set, even though traffic balancing is not configured.

What do I need to change in order to get 100% of my traffic to flow through the primary gateway and only use the backup gateway if the primary one is disabled as a result of my failover tests.
