Author Topic: Primary and Secondary DNS on MS stations  (Read 2446 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Primary and Secondary DNS on MS stations
« on: November 30, 2023, 12:19:21 am »

Hello, I have the following scenario: Zentyal 7 with Domain Controller (SRV01) and or Zentyal 7 Additional Domain Controller (SRV02).
On Windows machines I use the primary DNS SRV01 - and secondary DNS, so the machines authenticate with SAMBA and browse the internet normally.

As my network is growing to almost 2,000 hosts, I created this Additional server because if the Primary fails or is isolated due to a problem, the Additional takes over.

HOWEVER, if I configure the windows machines DNS1 Primary server and DNS2 Additional, the machines DO NOT browse the internet.

I configured Zentyal according to the manual for it
# Example: intnets =,
intnets =,

DNS server is set to - Enable transparent DNS cache.
Forwarders -,, 1,1,1,1

Does anyone know where I can adjust this?