Sorry again for a somehwhat foolish post, but I need a little help again.
My Zentyal 7 Server is also reachable for VPN users with the VPN ip "". SSH works, etc.etc. -- so far so good.
For my "old" Zentyal 7 Server, imap also worked : I used the IMAP settings : Server, port 143, STARTTLS, password normal,
and the user could read his e-mails over VPN -- very convenient!
However I cannot remember what I did when I configured the IMAP like that.
Now with the newly installed Zentyal 7 Server I also want IMAP to be reachable from the VPN ip "10.9.0.x" .
What do I need to change inside the system so it works?
Or is "Thunderbird" the culprit and only certain Thunderbird versions will accept this ?
Any help greatly appreciated.