Author Topic: Goal of idmap.ldb and RFC 2307 with zentyal  (Read 1114 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Goal of idmap.ldb and RFC 2307 with zentyal
« on: December 22, 2022, 11:06:54 am »

I've two questions

- One of my installs, idmap.ldb has arround 58 records however I've more AD objects than that. Since Zentyal uses RFC 2307 why do we need idmap.ldb? How is it populated?
- As I said, Zentyal uses RFC 2307, and I can see that it manages uidnumber, gidnumber, etc automatically. Lets supposed that you join zentyal to a domain where some objects already have some uidnumbers and gidnumbers. How does it deal with that?
