Author Topic: Zentyal CA - CRL / OCSP  (Read 1843 times)


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Zentyal CA - CRL / OCSP
« on: April 20, 2023, 10:58:15 am »
The Zentyal (7.0) Certificate Authority allows for revocation of certificates.

However - it seems that the CA is not configured to provide certificate revocation information.

I noticed this when using curl to query a web server which uses a Zentyal CA provided certificate (of course with the Zentyal root CA provided to curl using --cacert).

Looking at the certificates no CRL endpoints are included, nor any reference to OCSP.
(Inspect for example the certificate of and such information is included)

>> Is it correct that Zentyal CA does not provide certificate revocation information?
--> If so - has anyone succeeded in adding this functionality and how?
--> If not so - what is/are the endpoint(s) for CRL and/or OCSP - and how can I include this information in the Zentyal CA generated certificates?