Author Topic: GPO from Windows to Zentyal  (Read 1191 times)


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GPO from Windows to Zentyal
« on: October 01, 2021, 03:32:00 pm »
Hi All

I am very new to the world of setting up Domains and I am busy with a lab project of how to convert from Windows AD to Zentyal. After a lot of work so far, I am fairly confident I am nearly there. I have managed to add Zentyal DC to the domain as an additional DC, the users and groups synced successfully and I ran the migrate script, after which all the roles were transferred to Zentyal.
But now I am confused with regards to the GPO part. What commands can I use to transfer all the GPOs from Windows Server to Zentyal in order to reach the end goal of switching off the Windows Server? Any help anyone can offer will be greatly appreciated!

Another question for down the line: if we add a second Zentyal server, should we then use the tutorial listed in the Zentyal docs under total migration ( for the GPOs to sync between the two Zentyal servers? Or will Zentyal to Zentyal be synced continuously and automatically?