Author Topic: new to zentyal having issues with openvpn and pritunl  (Read 1350 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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new to zentyal having issues with openvpn and pritunl
« on: February 17, 2021, 12:39:48 am »
i have got a good working pritunl server for all my service and i am able to connect zentyal to it with a external program(pritunl client) this is not the way i want to do it but i can seam to get zentyal to connect to it has a client at all. i have manual written all the info in the client and have speed days working on this. so i did try and move a little forward and tried to get a windows machine to pull up a shared folder through the vpn and have struck out there also because the smb file is re writen every time i reboot. i have even gone to the files under zentyal /etc/zentyal and added what i need to it to maybe work and it is still rewritten with out that i need.

i am in need of some help and would be open to all information you may have

i am running the newest version of 6.2

i can up date but what to have this fixed so i may but it in service and test some more things for a company install


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: new to zentyal having issues with openvpn and pritunl
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2021, 07:57:18 am »
if i change anything in the smb file the system changes it back on reboot

i need to add to hosts use = to the system so that samba will talk across the vpn client

or come up with a way to use the client in zentyal to connect to pritunl so that the system will allow data to pass through to a outside source

this is a testing for a client that wants to get off the windows server roll-a-coaster that is causing lots of headaches and money

i do plan on buying the paid version but need to make sure that everything he wants works

that is the reason for testing