Author Topic: Add Mail / Fetchmail Schema  (Read 2628 times)


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Add Mail / Fetchmail Schema
« on: December 17, 2020, 09:07:21 pm »
I've a new installation of the Zentyal 6.2 Server.

Also I have an existing postfix/dovecot email server and an existing nextcloud server.

I like to connect the mail server with ldap to the Zentyal server.

Now I'm looking for how to get the mail schemas installed so that I can add email aliases / fetchmail accounts to the LDAP user account.

I've installed apache directory server and connected to the Zentyal server.

But I do not know how to go forward. Where do I find the schemas? How do I best install them?

Hope you can help me.

BR Dirk

(I installed the mail module but also then the email alias was not available within the ldap user.)