Author Topic: Change IP address of domain controllers/DNS  (Read 1438 times)


  • Zen Monk
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Change IP address of domain controllers/DNS
« on: February 12, 2021, 04:14:58 am »
I have a project right now that is going to require me to change the 2 zentyal domain controller/DNS servers to different IP addresses in a new subnet. I have 2 DC/DNS servers and have them rsync (+unison I believe) between them.

Zentyal seems to only changing the IP of the server is trivial and done right in the GUI. However, something makes me think this doesn't consider the case of running the AD DC/DNS (samba and bind9).

Samba has these instructions

Which are considerably more involved. Demote the DC, make sure it's cleaned up, then add it back after.

What should I do?