It seems to me that Zentyal is barely in time of awakening from a too much long nap...
Please, admin,
I know this is off-topic but there is any board that fits
this theme. Remove it or move it if needed)"Simply, today young developers learn Python or PHP, not Perl..."
Regarding your post, I think that you are a bit much negative about the Zentyal
project status.
First, about this forum, developers communicate with the community in a
different way than the rest of us do. Through
Github. This way the mutual
feedback is done in a much more formalized way, with more filters and in an
hierarchically structured platform.
The community of users gives feedback between themselves about the Zentyal issues
in the forum and after some discussion the more advanced users can decide to
scale the issue to the developers through Github, to propose temporary
workarounds for bugs, or, most of the cases, to help the user with a problem of
configuration, etc
Check the Zentyal Github issues page. There are 34 open issues in some of the
open status in this moment reported by users as wirdo89, MurzNN, iotaka,
Facsimiler, pcttech, tomasz89, Neustradamus, patphobos, KOV70, evilaliv3,
toreonify, renatopancheri, Tiago2912, nickpiggott, loxK, ProBackup-nl, mrPsycho
and unquietwiki.
There's community. Simply, the forum isn't the correct way to take his
Second, Zentyal uses the Ubuntu LTS versions. Ok. It's true that, while
finishing some development cycles, some critical packages could be considered
almost "deprecated", but this is a condition that suffers all the LTS releases
Linux distributions. How would you fix it? Using a "rolling-release" distro as
the Zentyal base? O_o'
Furthermore, SPF and DKIM, for example, are a must-have just like an operative
Fetchmail is, but "Password Settings Objects" for example isn't essential
in my opinion.
Most of the new protocols and configurations can be configured in Zentyal in a
painless way. New features are another kind of problem. Zentyal uses the Ubuntu
LTS repositories to grant the needed standard of stability. Simply, new features
take ever a more long time to be effectively implemented in Zentyal and Ubuntu
I use to talk about "black magic" in some of my interventions here in a
humorous context. I feel consistent the way that Zentyal uses to
guarantee a correct protocol of customization, Don't you?
(It's painful that lots of members don't take some minutes to read this:
The Zentyal forum community is composed of some sysadmins, who usually need just
a simple indication to fix their problems, and many people who have to manage a
domain, or mail server as a secondary part of their real functions and interests
needing a more detailed kind of information. These people use Zentyal because of
his "quick and dirty" capacities and expect a webadmin "click and fix" solution.
In this last case, users have to understand that for advanced features Zentyal
provides some complementary ways of doing: the EBox API, the system of hooks and
the templates system.
Zentyal provides a wiki, the official documentation and some free courses in his
Moodle platform besides this forum that you feel has become mostly irrelevant.
All free.
And there is tons of official documentation for Dovecot, Samba, Fetchmail,
¿Tú también recuerdas con nostalgia aquella época del RTFHB? XD
We, users, should take some effort to improve our skills.
I feel sad too when I think about the forum status. There are lots of threads
that have been repeatedly proposed 'ad-nauseam' by people who don't have tried
even to search in the forum the information that they are requiring to the
Most of the threads are created in the "Installation and Upgrades" board... Most
of these aren't related to installation or upgrading issues, simply, some
people don't care about the necessity of recovering useful information easily.
Only a few users mark their threads as "solved" however they fix some times the
initial issue in a useful way. And, in my humble opinion, administrators are
allowing this decadence.
Finally, another problem is most of the threads are useless for being too
specifics. Here I feel some dark tendency of giving the fish instead of teaching
But... I have found some gold in this swamp and I agree with you that Zentyal is
a great way to learn, to teach and to work.
In my opinion, Zentyal is a valuable and healthy project and this forum deserves
our efforst to be saved.