Author Topic: [Question] 2x Wan, Send traffic only through one. Use second only as backup.  (Read 2316 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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I have 2x Wan on eth1 (Main) and eth3 (Backup).  I want to send all traffic trought 1 unless connection fails.

1. Disabled traffic balancing
2. Gateways for traffic balance - selected only Main
3. Multigateways rules - interface any/source any/ destination any/service any/gateway Main

I can't ping thorugh Backup

1. Disabled traffic balancing
2. Gateways for traffic balance - selected Main and BACKUP
3. Multigateways rules - interface any/source any/ destination any/service any/gateway Main

I can ping from both Main and Backup but traffic balancing seems to be working randomly and it send traffic trough both gateways.

I've also setup enabled failover ping to gateway.

What I'm doing wrong? I don't want traffic balancing I want all traffic to go through Main untill it fails then switch to backup.

Zentyal 5.1