Author Topic: Activesync is only recommended for <1 gig  (Read 3015 times)


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Activesync is only recommended for <1 gig
« on: December 06, 2019, 12:33:50 am »
I have a few Windows SBS2011 VM's to upgrade - Been keeping my eye on Zentyal for 4+ years now.
Im impressed with Zentyal 6.0 However most of my clients exchange mailboxes are over the 1 Gig recommendation and some sites have up to 70 users/mailboxes.

Also I cannot import a PST file (from one Outlook 2013 (exchange 2010) pst into a zentyal Outlook 2013 outlook) - "Could not complete the operation because the service provider does not support it"
If I open the old pst file in the new outlook  I cannot copy the emails to the Zentyal "Inbox" - error is "The folders you are trying to change do not support this operation. Sorry, Exchange ActiveSync does'nt support what you're trying to do"

Comments, experiences, suggestions, recommendations would be greatly appreciated with using Outlook 2019(13)/exchange/Activesync with Zentyal.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2019, 04:37:44 am by wladoncomp »


  • Zen Monk
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Re: Activesync is only recommended for <1 gig
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2020, 10:00:31 am »
You may have come across this "known limitation"...

You acutally can't move emails from Exchange (pst) to ActiveSync attached accounts. It's not a "bug" of zentyal (or SOGo).
Zentyal 6.1


  • Zen Monk
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Re: Activesync is only recommended for <1 gig
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2020, 10:14:10 am »

Comments, experiences, suggestions, recommendations would be greatly appreciated with using Outlook 2019(13)/exchange/Activesync with Zentyal.

My 50 cent:
  • SOGo works fine with native apple clients, i.e. IMAP, Caldav, Carddav
  • Outlook does fine for limited access to emails, eg mails from the last 4 weeks
  • ActiveSync, especially the one provided by SOGo, may drain your mobiles battery very fast. You can tweak the SOGo settings to some extent, but basically the convenience of setting up an "Exchange Account" comes with high "costs"
  • ActiveSync - to my experience - tends to get unstable in synching with huge mailboxes. This may (or may not) be one reason for the comment regarding <1GB mailbox size (btw: Same for z-push / Kopano)
  • It's far better to use IMAP (and may also be a solution to your migration problem)

Although I believe that Outlook is not the best client to use with zentyal, there is a nice plugin ( that works nicely when you want to avoid ActiveSync and want to limit protocols to IMAP, Caldav and Carddav. It's not so difficult to setup, but I have not much experience with it and do not know how reliable it works. But since it's "officially" advised by SOGo, I would believe it should be doing its job.

« Last Edit: January 02, 2020, 11:02:27 am by segelfreak »
Zentyal 6.1


  • Zen Samurai
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Re: Activesync is only recommended for <1 gig
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2020, 10:48:42 am »

Thank you!

It's really a recursive problem in most of the enterprise environments I know.

Your 50 cent are really valuable.


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- They block the sun!

G. Guareschi., Don Camillo.,