Author Topic: Sharing folder under other shared folder or symlink  (Read 1478 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Sharing folder under other shared folder or symlink
« on: September 28, 2017, 04:36:51 pm »
my problem is that I replace a Windows server with Zentyal 4.2 (for old win XP client) and originally they have sub shared folder, ex.

/document          >> shared as document for group A    (create with zentyal sharing)
/documenti/stock >> shared as stock for group B          (create specifying folder path)

I recreate this situation but group A access to document and document/stock group B in none folder  ::)
Is it possibile? I try another way: create 2 separate sharing and create a symlink under folder document but, by default, Zentyal doesn't have follow synlinks enabled
may I resolve in one of this configuration?


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: Sharing folder under other shared folder or symlink
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2017, 12:17:03 am »
nested permissions are not very good practice in my opinion. while it may seem very convenient or look very organised, complications tend to arise as the number of shares grow. in your case though since you are trying to replicate what was already in use, you would probably need to add group B as a member of group A if they are not members already. then remove access/security inheritance on the stock subfolder, add only group B on the stock subfolder for access. this way you could restrict access on the stock subfolder to just group B but this would also mean group B have access to everything under /document folder, not just the stock subfolder.


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Re: Sharing folder under other shared folder or symlink
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2017, 09:50:49 am »

We have a share with subshares in our school organisation, the share is accessible for a group of members the subshare is accessilbe fore a specific user. So the groep with acces to the main share can see all the subshares while the subshares only will  be accessed bij a specific user who has access to the subshare.
It works alredy for several years.

Best regards,


  • Zen Apprentice
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Re: Sharing folder under other shared folder or symlink
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2019, 12:34:12 pm »
I was facing similar conundrum, as the documentation on the Zentyal Wiki lacks detail exampling in this area, but I believe I have sorted it for our case (using Z.6.0.1)

I realise this thread is now classed as quite old, but thought I'd post my solution in case anyone else came across the topic in a search result like I did.

Our HR team have an existing top-level share, and had added a sub-sub-folder in that, which they wanted to share directly to our reception team without giving access to all the higher level content.

In the "Share path" text box of the Zentyal File Share editor, I pasted the path from the HR-users path, then changed the original back-slashes (\) of the sub-folder pathing, that Windows uses, to forward slashes (/).

Zentyal allowed that.  Once that stage was saved, I then added the access permissions by using the Domain security group method.

The permissions can take a little while to apply - possibly varying by how much content it needs to process, so some patience is required while the system does that.

Hope that helps anyone else looking to achieve the same type of configuration.


  • Zen Samurai
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Re: Sharing folder under other shared folder or symlink
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2019, 01:43:52 pm »
I was facing similar conundrum, as the documentation on the Zentyal Wiki lacks detail exampling in this area, but I believe I have sorted it for our case (using Z.6.0.1)

I realise this thread is now classed as quite old, but thought I'd post my solution in case anyone else came across the topic in a search result like I did.

Our HR team have an existing top-level share, and had added a sub-sub-folder in that, which they wanted to share directly to our reception team without giving access to all the higher level content.

In the "Share path" text box of the Zentyal File Share editor, I pasted the path from the HR-users path, then changed the original back-slashes (\) of the sub-folder pathing, that Windows uses, to forward slashes (/).

Zentyal allowed that.  Once that stage was saved, I then added the access permissions by using the Domain security group method.

The permissions can take a little while to apply - possibly varying by how much content it needs to process, so some patience is required while the system does that.

Hope that helps anyone else looking to achieve the same type of configuration.


I'll try this configuration. However, do you feel confident introducing recursive techniques in resources managed by acls?  Is this stable and scalable?
I try ever maintaining my shared resources definition as simple as possible, but, it's true, this technic is pretty tempting!

Thank you!
- Do my pigeons bother you passing over your land?
- They block the sun!

G. Guareschi., Don Camillo.,