Author Topic: Joining Zentyal 6.0 to SBS2011 Domain Unknown samba error  (Read 1522 times)


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Joining Zentyal 6.0 to SBS2011 Domain Unknown samba error
« on: October 18, 2019, 09:24:41 pm »
I've been working on this for a few days now, unable to join Zentyal 6.0 to an existing domain managed by SBS 2011. I currently have this setup as a separate isolated network from the productions network for testing. I have searched some topics and found some related topics with no answers. I read one topic that had a simular issue that mentioned that Zentyal can have issues with passwords that have special characters in it. I reset the domain admin password to a simple character password, but that did not make a difference. 

First problem was with DNS, on the Windows side, but I was able to fix that by changing all the forwarder nodes replication setting to forest in the DNS. After that I've been getting this error "The following modules failed while saving their changes their state is unknown: samba". I did connect the Zentyal server to the internet to install all updates and update all modules, I read a forum post that mention system bugs that can cause issues like this one. This did not fix the error.

The Windows Domain Controller (SBS2011) is running as a VM using HyperV with an internal network connection. I currently have two Zentyal boxes running, a VM running on the same host as the Windows box and a separate server running Zentyal which is connected via Ethernet to the VM host server (like I mentions, this network is isolated with no connection to the outside of the network). All the servers can ping each other. The only issue I noticed with pining is it will the host name of the server or resolve host names, I'm guessing maybe another DNS issue.

Here is how I have the Zentyal boxes setup. Note I have blanked the server name and the domain name for security purposes.

--Domain Module settings--
Server Role: Additional domain controller
Realm: <domain>.local
Domain Controller FQDN: <Server>.<domain>.local
Domain DNS Server IP: (which is the same as the SBS2011 server)
NetBIOS domain Name: <domain>
NetBIOS computer name: zserver
Server description: Zentyal

--DNS Module setting--
Enable transparent DNS cache: Unchecked
Forwarders: None
Domains: <domain>.local

Here is the last bit of the log file entry, don't know if this will help.

Command output: Adding CN=ZSERVER,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=<domain>,DC=local
 Adding CN=ZSERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=<domain>,DC=local
 Adding CN=NTDS Settings,CN=ZSERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=<domain>,DC=local
 Adding SPNs to CN=ZSERVER,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=<domain>,DC=local
 Setting account password for ZSERVER$
 Enabling account
 Adding DNS account CN=dns-ZSERVER,CN=Users,DC=<domain>,DC=local with dns/ SPN
 Setting account password for dns-ZSERVER
 Calling bare provision
 Provision OK for domain DN DC=<domain>,DC=local
 Starting replication
 Replicating critical objects from the base DN of the domain
 Done with always replicated NC (base, config, schema)
 Replicating DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=<domain>,DC=local
 Replicating DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=<domain>,DC=local
 Committing SAM database
 Join failed - cleaning up
 Deleted CN=RID Set,CN=ZSERVER,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=<domain>,DC=local
 Deleted CN=ZSERVER,OU=Domain Controllers,DC=<domain>,DC=local
 Deleted CN=dns-ZSERVER,CN=Users,DC=<domain>,DC=local
 Deleted CN=NTDS Settings,CN=ZSERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=<domain>,DC=local
 Deleted CN=ZSERVER,CN=Servers,CN=Default-First-Site-Name,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=<domain>,DC=local