Author Topic: How to recover a personal folder  (Read 1400 times)


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How to recover a personal folder
« on: August 27, 2018, 10:16:50 am »
   in my server is running Zentyal Dev. Ed. 4.2.12
(if i press "upgrade now" botton for 5.0 version, an error message say: "Upgrade cannot be performed due to low disk space (less than 50MB available on /boot)").
My issue is:
1 -  I've deleted an user, for example called TEST123 for fix a login problem inside Samba shared folders and personal folder.
2 -  I've created a new user called TEST123 (yes same name of old account), with exactly the same password of old account.
3 -  Now this user can read and write in all Samba shared folders (Very good!)
4 -  *step B*, if I try to open peronal folder of account TEST123, I have an error and is impossible to open, I NEED TO RECOVER ALL FILES IN THIS DIRECTORY, this is a question of life or death.
Question 1: when i've deleted TEST123 account, his personal folder was permanently deleted?
Question 2: why now is not possible to open Personal Folder? This folder have same name (Account name) and password of old account.
Question 3: MOST IMPORTANT - how can I open Personal old TEST123 Personal Folder ? I've I lot of very important personal files in that folder!!

Thank you!!