Author Topic: Zentyal as a Translucent LDAP server to Active Ditrectory  (Read 1607 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Zentyal as a Translucent LDAP server to Active Ditrectory
« on: May 09, 2018, 08:20:33 pm »
What I am trying to do here is basically securely add AD authentication into a secure environment. What we are currently doing is using OpenLDAP as a translucent LDAP server that pulls down the accounts from our AD server into it. (we do not want to be able to change the accounts in any manner, so it would be a one way pull) Then in OpenLDAP we are able to overlay schema objects that we need to allow our Linux users to log into their machines.
Also I want to add that we have a service account to bind to the AD as well as we are using LDAPs over 636; so I will need to instal SSL certs.

Can anyone tell me how, if possible to do this?