Author Topic: Add php to Zentyal 5.0  (Read 1924 times)


  • Zen Apprentice
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Add php to Zentyal 5.0
« on: March 25, 2018, 04:44:24 pm »
Hi all.

I just googled a lot but found nothing.
I'm looking for an backup solution for the Zentyal Server of a friend. I think that Bacula or Bareos is the best solution.
Have installed bacula and it runs perfekt. The maintenance with BAT runs too, but it would be better with webacula. Webacula needs PHP but I cant't become it running.
I have installed php-fpm with apt-get and tried to configure it in nginx. I created an /usr/share/zentyal/www/phpinfo.php file. This gives no answer, but an simple html file answers. This means that PHP isn't recognised by ngingx.
Anyone can help me?
Thanks in advance.